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Pov Josh

'Wow Ted you look like..'
'A creature,' he cuts my sister off and continues walking.
'What's up with him?'
'He's in pain but doesn't want to tell me,' I reply.

And I know I'm right.. I just know it.

'Any idea what kind of pain?'
I shake my head, 'I wish I knew.'

I speed up and walk next to the boy in a matter of seconds.

'That took you surprisingly long,' he mutters.
'I was just talking to my sister Ted.'
'How are we going to tell your father?' He asks and ignores my reply.
'I honestly don't know.. just say it I guess?' He sighs as an answer.. he's worried. Of course he is.

I lay my hand on his shoulder and slow us down until we're standing completely still. I pull him in a hug. 'It's going to be fine.. eventually everything will be fine.'
'Just not today.'
'No.. not today,' I respond.

'Mom. Is dad home?' I ask when I finally found someone from my family besides Alicia.
She nods, 'He's in his office.'
'Is he.. busy?' 'He claims to be.. but he's working on something that litterly only matters him.'
I give her a confused look but she doesn't respond. 'Does it include Ted?'
'I'm sorry.'

I left him with my mother in the living room and made my way to my dad's office.

Nervously I knock on the door.
'Come in!' I open the door and immediately walk over to his desk.
My eyes lock onto numerous amount of books.

'What are you doing?' I ask carefully.
'I need to know more about him.. I want to be sure you're going to be safe with him.'
Just now it hits me.. the fact that Ted is stronger than him doesn't bother him, my safety does.. he's just afraid for my safety.

I lay my hand down on his shoulder. 'I've been with him for years now.. I am safe, don't worry about it.'
'Until now you have been but.. I just have a feeling it will go horrible wrong one day.'
'I can control him,' I state without knowing why I said that.
'Why are you able to but I'm not?'
'I don't know,' I mumble.

'Anyway I, we, need to tell you something.' 'Go ahead.'
'No I.. I want you to come with me.'
'I'm busy,' he mutters. 'Dad please.'

He sighs but stands up. 'Let's go then.'
'Before we go.. can you try not to get angry? I have the idea he'll snap if you do.'
'I don't have much control over that.' 'I know but please.. just try.'

We're all sitting in the living room.
One of Ted's wings is wrap around me, which feels weird.. but also really safe? Yes.. safe.

'So.. speak.' I sigh and build up confidence to be able to tell him.

'Dad.. you're.. a granddad,' I finally say without daring to look him in the eyes. Nervously I fiddle with my fingers.
'I am what? I can't understand you if you talk this quietly.'

The words don't seem to leave my mouth anymore causing an awkward silence to appear.

'He said that you're a granddad,' Teddy repeats and I'm so happy he just did that.
'Why? Is Alicia pregnant.. not this Nick boy right?'
'Hold on I have nothing to do with this,' she responds and throws her arms in the air. 'I don't understand?'

I sigh quietly as I open my mouth again. 'We have a child, not Alicia.'
He blinks a few times with his eyes and gives us a confused look.
'You adopted a child?' 'Surogracy.'
'Okay hold up, you two just decide to do that without even discussing it with me?' I hear his voice become louder.
'We wanted to but it just all happened so quickly.' I'm lucky Ted answers because I can't seem to find the right words.

'Was it his idea?' 'No dad we..'
'Is this just to torture me?!'
'Richard.. let the boys talk.'
'I assume it's a vampire?'
All I can do at this point is nod.
He sighs loudly and is clearly annoyed. 'You always do this Josh, this is the last time.'
'What do you mean?'
'You always say and do stuff without thinking about it.'

'So you think I just snapped in my fingers and decided to do this?!' I yell and stand up. I feel a hand on my shoulder forcing me to sit back down.
'Calm down,' he then whispers.

'Don't you think it's a bit to soon?'
'Not when I'm sure about it.'
'You should've discussed it first.'
'Should I tell you the next time I fuck him as well? Since you love to control my whole life!' 'Josh calm down.'
'No, I'm getting sick of this,' I say and push his hand away from my shoulder.
'Josh I swear,' he puts his hand back, 'calm down before you say things you don't want to.' 'Shut up.'

He takes my handss and stares into my eyes. 'How do you expect your father to stay calm if you don't.'
'He has a point.' 'Alicia shut up!'

'So.. is it a boy or a girl?'
I look at my mother who decided to break the silence. 'A boy, Alexander.'
'Can I come see him?' 'Of course, just drop by in Bouspa,' he states.
'What is he like?'
'Cute,' he answers with a chuckle.
'He cries a lot though,' I add.

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