17 | Golden Retriever

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Jade's Point of View

After our classes finished we split ways since Jaemin, Chenle still have other classes while Jeno has to go to the library or maybe just another stupid excuse to find Yeeun or whatever he is gonna do with his life.

I headed right away to this mall to pick up my laptop so I can go home after this and slap Mark with this damn laptop.

After the staffs handed me my brand new laptop, I left the Apple Store right away, at this moment I used Mark's card to by new laptop, a new cover and along with a bag. I walked back to the entrance where I entered in this mall and accidentally passed a pet store, there was a cute Golden Retriever puppy wagging it's tail while looking other to the window.

I tapped the window and the puppy keeps on following where my finger will tap, the puppy looked so happy like he or she just found it new owner.

I stood up so I won't get distracted and feel bad for it, I looked back before I left, the puppy was still looking up at me. 

"You are too cute" I said to myself "I don't want to leave you either" I turned my back and continue to walk.

I went into the shop "good afternoon Ma'am, welcome to Jolly Pet Shop" the staff who was fixing the displays greeted me "is there any thing I could help you?" She came towards me with a big warm smile, no wonder why that puppy smiles a lot.

"Is that for sale?" I pointed to the cage of the golden retriever, the girl looked at the cage. She walked towards it and opened the cage for the puppy came out of the cage, the dog came towards me.

"She is" the staff answered, she took the puppy from the ground and handed it to me "I think the puppy likes you" the puppy keeps on wagging it tail and licking my face.

"Do you want to go home with me?" I asked stupidly to the puppy, the staff laughed at me "I am Jade by the way" I introduced to the staff and extended my hand to her.

"I am Jieun, nice to meet you Ms. Jade" she took my hand happily "I never thought I'd meet you in person and this close" I laughed of her statement.

I looked around the store with the puppy, I saw some other kinds of breeds, but never caught my attention, except to this little buddy that I am carrying right now.

"You like dogs Ms. Jade" Jieun opened a topic.

"Don't call me miss, it's weird" we both laughed "yup I like dogs" I answered her question.

"Do you want to take home that puppy" She asked me, I look at the puppy that is really comfy with me "I will, look" I face to her and showed the puppy.

"Well she is a girl, and she is still 3 months old" she spoke "she doesn't have any name yet and her vaccine is complete"

"Can I sign the papers now?" I said to her happily, we both jumped like a teenager kids who just saw it's basketball player crush "anything for you Jade" she dragged me towards couch and let me wait for her with the papers, I set the puppy in the right beside me, the puppy laid down right next to me in between the paper bag with my new laptop.

"What should I name you?" I looked at the puppy with talking to her, the puppy only looked at me "you should name her 'Princess'" Jieun came back with the papers for the puppy.

"Good idea!" I agreed to her "from now on you will be Princess" I touched the Princess who is laying beside me.

Jieun instructed me where to fill up and what to sign for the adoption for Princess.

After the paper work, Jieun printed something for Princess's card for identification, while I also picked a collar for her since they offered free collar engraving, I picked the white collar with pink paws printed on it, Jieun let someone took care of the engraving.

"This shop is really nice" I spoke to Jieun, she came back with a card and stuffs for the puppy "my parents owns this, and I manage it right now" she answered me proudly.

"My brother and mother been wanting to open up a dog cafe, they just don't know where to get puppies" I opened up to her, maybe they could help mom and Taeyong.

"I would like to help" she said "I will tell my parents about it, he is my calling card" she gave me a calling card of her and her parent's.

"I will discuss it my brother and mom too, and I will give you a call once everything is settled with them" I told her, she smiled warmly.

She already packed the stuff I bought, the dog food, bed for her, bowls, and some toys for her.

"Thanks a lot Jieun" I smiled to her and she hugged me "anything for you"

She offered me to walk me to my car, she also offered to bring my stuff to the car, since I am carrying Princess in my arm while on the other hand I have the Apple paper bag with me since it's one of the important stuff I need.

After we placed everything on the trunk we both bid goodbyes and good lucks, while I thought about going straight home, cause I'm still going to introduce this puppy to the house right?

After an hour drive at home, I was greeted by Taeyong's dog, Ruby. Taeyong also has a dog which can be a older sister to Princess, I put down Princess to the floor and Ruby was sniffing Princess, while Princess was super stiff because Ruby is a new friend of hers. I let them be, the maids also helped me with my stuff.

I brought the 2 doggies up to my room and they both started to get along, while me who immediately plop down to the bed, until I started to have a sleep.


Evening came, I was woken up by Taeyong, who is still on his office suit "dinner is ready" he announced to me "and you have a puppy with you" He was patting the puppy who was comfortable with him, I only nod to him and he smiled to me.

"Let's go down stairs" he invites me and the dogs run off, while Taeyong is almost dragging me.

When we arrived downstairs, Mark was already playing with Ruby and Princess, he immediately asked us when he saw us coming "is this your Jade?" He pointed to the new edition to the family, I only nod  to him.

"Pretty little goldy" Mark said to the puppy "it sounds like a fish" dad laughed at his own joke while Taeyong was riding with it.

"Let's eat dinner guys!" Mom announced to us, we all headed to the dinning area "Mark wash your hands" mom said to Mark while we wait for Taeyong to finish washing his.

"So cute" mom played with the puppy who is seeking for attention to people "your birthday gift?" She asked.

"Yeah, gift to myself" I simply answered to her "I couldn't resist her, she was looking at me like that" I pointed to the cute Golden retriever wagging his tail happily.

"New puppy is like new sister" Mark spoke from behind.

"Another sister to take care" dad also butted in.

Taeyong gives food to the dogs before he went to the table, and the. He joined us.

"We have family dinner this coming Sunday" dad opened up a topic for all of us "with your cousins, uncles, aunts"

"Also invite Jaehyun dear" dad added up with a big smirk on his face "you should introduce him to the Family" I only nod to him.

For the rest of the dinner we only discussed matters, that me and Mark doesn't really care about, like how we always do when we have family dinner at night. We also ask each other's how our day went, they will never forget to ask us about that in anyways.

Since this is the most Savage-

I mean sweetest fam in the world.

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