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"Her heart ends up shattered into a million pieces in what's left of a teenage party."

"He was my small bit of infinity in this world, and I was his."

"Your my little glint of hope in this hell of a world."

"He said to her 'who are you going to believe? the mirror, a picture or the eyes of the man who thinks your the most beautiful girl in the world." -I.C "Beauty is in the eye.."

"Remember people only rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade."

"Don't waste sunsets with people who will be gone by sunrise."

"Sometimes life just hits you so hard and for so long that it seems all you can is fall to your knees and cry."

"They told you it was written in the stars, but you never had a chance to look that far."

"Sometimes you have to go through hell to get to heaven."

"You, simply only you. I hardly fall in love but everything's different with you."

"I love you and I will love every single shattered piece of you."

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein.

"I never really wanted to go. So many things you should've known."

"Heartbreak is falling off a high cloud to crash into a cold hard surface."

"You say you wanted more. What are you waiting for? I'm not running from you."

"You're the antidote that gets me by. Something strong like a drug that gets me high."

"He is either the best thing for her or the worst." -Vampire Diaries.

"Your mind knows, but your heart wishes."

yeah, there's more after this.. then I gotta go to bed. go follow gilinskygroove. she's got amazing stories. love you gurhh.

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