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~Friday 08:35 P.m.~

Hoseok gets ready for Jacksons Party while he could already hear the people and music from Jackson's apartment that's right besides his own apartment. A knock on Hoseoks front door breaks the concentration that Hoseok had while figuring out what song is playing at the moment. As soon as he arrived at the door to open it, was he convinced that it was Yoongi. He knows him for more than seven years, they went to the same school since middle school. Yoongi always knocks and never uses the bell. Always just one knock. Hoseok opened the door and was happy that his guess was right. Yoongi gave him a slight smile and right after that, followed a calm 'hello'.
Hoseok was amused by the calm men. He almost shouted out as he spoke ‚how can you speak that quiet? The music is so loud, i didn't even realize it was that loud.'
Yoongi chuckles and goes into the apartment after Hoseok makes room for him to go into the room.
Yoongi lays his keys onto the kitchen counter so that he won't loose them at the party.
,I didn't bring any present for Jackson, do you think that's a problem?' Asked yoongi with a little embarrassed tone in his voice.
,I got you. I bought a bottle of Vodka and a plant.' Responds the younger one.
'Oh okay, thank you.' Says Yoongi impressed.
,you seem a little bit tired, is everything okay Yoongi?'
,Everything's fine, i just slept too long today.' Answers Yoongi. ,Should we go into Jackson's apartment?' Questions Yoongi.
,yes, sure, let's go.' And with that, both of them went out of Hoseoks apartment and were with just three steps infront of Jacksons opened door. The hall of the apartment building looked welcoming. The walls were painted in a warm brown tone and the lights were not too bright but also not too dark. A big window was aside of the stairs of the building with a beautiful view around the neighborhood. It was just a perfect atmosphere for a home. Hoseok lived there since he turned eighteen. This building and his apartment were his home. Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok met always at Hoseoks home. The building is located just a few steps away from the train station, so it's near downtown.
,Hey guys, come in. Why are you two standing outside?' Asks Jackson. He was a little bit more than tipsy.
‚Ah I'm sorry, we were at my apartment because yoongi wanted to put his keys into there so that he wouldn't loose them.' Says hoseok with a bright smile while he gives Jackson the plant and the alcohol.
,No problem guys, just come in and make yourselves comfortable. And start drinking a little bit.' Responds jackson while he gets dragged away by his friends.
After that Yoongi and Hoseok enter the apartment and soon after, they start drinking beer and a little bit more than that.
It didn't took too long for Hoseok to get more than tipsy and to start socializing with the people at the party. Yoongi drunk even more than Hoseok but wasn't as far drunk as the younger one was. Yoongi saw how Hoseok danced while his favorite song was played and couldn't stop laughing at the younger ones quirkiness. As soon as hoseok saw Yoongi, he went to him so that Yoongi would also socialize and start dancing with him. Both of them were just jumping around and with the time, made Hoseok the other people jump around just like the two boys. Everyone had fun and just enjoyed the party.



Hoseok drank a little bit too much and wanted a little bit to slow down.
'Hey do you want to drink that, it's like the best mix I've ever tasted.' Says a random guy to Hoseok.
'no thanks, I'm good.' Answers Hoseok politely and goes away. 

Just a few minutes later he feels dizzy and goes to the bathroom. As soon as he leans over the toilet, vomits he. After he was done, washed Hoseok his face with cold water and drank from the tap. While he looks at the mirror, he sees something weird. He sees himself behind him. He quickly turns around but nobody was standing behind him. He turns back to the mirror and again, he sees himself.
'What the fuck?' he mumbles.
With that comes the person closer to him. He turns around and it's still in front of him, it reaches out to Hoseok. Hoseok stumbles away from himself who is infront of him. He trips over his own feet because of the dizziness that's still haunting him. After he fell onto the ground, he blacked out.
'Hoseok are you in there?'
'Hey hoseok!'
'Open the door!'
Hoseok can't stand up, he can't move. There is just the figure of himself that is going to the place where he stood just a couple of seconds ago. He can't open his eyes probably and now he's fully unconscious.


This was the second chapter with a little cliffhanger. I forgot to say something, this story will contain the butterfly effect.

What i mean by that, is that this story will get divided in more books than just this one

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What i mean by that, is that this story will get divided in more books than just this one. One different step, and the whole story gets another plot and another ending. There will be new characters. But it'll always be Hoseok and Yoongi. Those are the main characters in all the upcoming storys. I'm going to write the storys at the same time but I'll publish the other storys just when the current one has ended.

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