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~Tuesday 3:28 P.m.~

'Hey Yoongi, what's up?' Asks Hoseok through his phone.
'Hey, do you want to come over to my house? I bought a sixpack of beer.' Says Yoongi.
'Yeah sure, i don't need to work today and tomorrow so i can come.' Answers Hoseok.
'Ok come at 8 to my place.' Responds Yoongi.
'Okay sure, see you.' Answers Hoseok, and with that ended the call.
Hoseok does a little bit of laundry and cleans his apartment in the meantime before he drives to yoongi's home.
Just before he wants to get ready and put his shoes on, hears he a knock on his door. He opens the door and sees Jackson in front of him.
'Hey Hoseok. I just wanted to check onto you because i haven't seen you for a couple days.' Says Jackson.
'Oh thanks, everything's alright with me. What about you?' Asks Hoseok.
'Same with me, but i don't want to disturb you and stay to long, i see you are going to go somewhere. Have a nice day.' says Jackson.
‚Yeah i go to a friend, Bye Jackson.' answers Hoseok and with that put Hoseok his other shoe on and drives to Yoongis house.
He arrives at Yoongis home and rings the bell of his house.
‚Hello Hoseok, please come in.' says Yoongi and welcomes him.
Hoseok greets Yoongi and goes into the house and into the living room.
They both start drinking some beers after they sat onto the white couch in Yoongis living room and watched a movie on netflix. The movie had subtitles and Yoongi had a quiet hard time reading the subtitles because he didn't wear his glasses. Hoseok sees that Yoongi struggles and asks him where his glasses are.
'They are in the studio i think.' Responds Yoongi still focused on the movie.
'Okay.' Says Hoseok and stands up to go to his studio.
'Where are you going?' Asks Yoongi.
'Get your glasses.' Responds Hoseok.
Yoongi quickly stands up and says 'wait, I'm gonna get them by myself.' He walks quickly to his studio and closes the door behind him so Hoseok couldn't go inside the room. Yoongi comes back with his glasses on him.
'Why are you acting so weird?' Asks Hoseok a little confused.
'What do you mean?' Asks Yoongi unbothered.
'You literally just ran and closed the door behind of you so i couldn't get into your studio.' Says Hoseok a little annoyed from the older ones behavior.
'Did I? Sorry, i really didn't realized that i was that rude. It's just kinda messy in there.' Responds Yoongi and sits back onto the couch with Hoseok.
Both of them drink the rest of the beers and talk while they watch the movie.

~11:45 P.m.~

It got kinda late and Hoseok decided to go back home. After he arrived back home, did he shower and eat a snack before he brushed his teeth and went to sleep.

(Watch the video)

Another dream.
All the time does Hoseok dream of something weird.

A knock on his door.
It's 3 in the morning thinks Hoseok, while he slowly walks to his front door. He watches through the peephole and sees Himself, his double is there. He opens the door and asks the double :' why did you knock?'
'I know how easily scared you get because i also get scared too easy, i don't want to scare you.' Responds the double.
'Oh thank you Hoseok.' Says Hoseok with a smile on his face.
'I want to talk with you about something.' Says the double with a little burden in his voice.
'Okay, what is it?' Asks Hoseok.


So the end of that chapter. I wanted to say that this story will only have 10 chapters instead of 13. I kinda already wrote enough to already end this story, i would just put useless things into this story if i would've decided to keep writing 13 chapters for how i planned it from the beginning. And i also want to say that I'll only post one chapter per week because i also work and school begins in a couple of weeks so i need to do all my homework that i haven't done so far. So from now on will i only publish a chapter on Tuesday.

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