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(Watch the video. This is Hoseok's view)

'Hoseok open the door!'

Hoseok slowly regains consciousness and tries to get up onto his feet. The person that looked like him was gone after he woke up.
'Hoseok are you in there?'
'Yes Yoongi, I'm fine.' Says Hoseok while he unlocks the door.
'What happened? Why didn't you open the door? I yelled for ten minutes through the door.'
'I'm sorry i blacked out for a moment.' Answers Hoseok with guilt because the older one worried so much about him.
'Should we go into your apartment?' Asks yoongi.
'Yes please, I've had enough from partying.' Answers the younger one with a light chuckle.
After Jackson said goodbye, they quickly walked into Hoseoks apartment. They both walk through the small hall of Hoseoks apartment and into his open living room. The living room and the kitchen are connected with each other so is it possible that Hoseok lays onto the big grey couch while Yoongi stands in the kitchen and grabs some water. Yoongi sits besides Hoseok. There was it, the silence. The one thing that Yoongi can't stand when he's around Hoseok. Hoseok is this ball of light and always happy and also loud. Really loud. There are just couple of moments in where Hoseok stays quiet. And one of them is when he has something on his mind.
'Do you want to talk about what happened?' Asks yoongi while he finally breaks the silence that was depressing the surroundings of the room.
'What do you mean? Everything's fine.' Answers Hoseok quickly.
'Comon, i know you Hoseok. Do you think i can't see when there's something on your mind?' Questions Yoongi.
'It's nothing, really. I just had a crazy dream while i was blacked out.'
'What did you saw in the dream?'  Asked The older one.
Hoseok told him about his dream, about how he saw himself getting closer. He also said that this thing seemed sad, instead of going into Hoseoks direction, did it go infront of the mirror and tears ran down his face.
,I can't say why but i could literally just cry right now. This thing that looked like me radiated such a sadness.' Says Hoseok with tears in his eyes.
'That's normal, i also had dreams that made me sad for the whole day. But why do you constantly say 'that' instead of him?' Asks Yoongi.
'I don't know. This dream just felt so real, i don't see that thing as a human in a dream but rather a thing that was there at the moment.'
Answers Hoseok quietly because he's scared that Yonngi would think that he's crazy for thinking it was kinda real.
'Do you really think it was real?' Asks Yoongi a little bit confused while Hoseok just nods as an answer.
'Well this cannot be real. There was only you in the bathroom. And just one you, not two.' Answers Yoongi.
'I really don't know Yoongi, this felt too real to not be real.' Says Hoseok a little unsure about what he has seen or not.
'Well i think you should sleep a night about all this, if you still think tomorrow that this was real than will i try to help you find out if there was really someone, but i don't think that there was a second you.' Answers Yoongi with his relaxing voice.
'Okay thank you Yoongi. I really mean it, thank you.' says Hoseok with happiness.
'Are you still drunk?' Asks Yoongi blunt.
'What? No.' Says Hoseok blunt.

~2:06 A.m.~

Yoongi went home half an hour ago and Hoseok was already asleep in his bed. He was too tired to even change his clothes. He just slept in his bed.


Hoseok wakes up, he hears something in the kitchen. Maybe just a mouse, he thought. The apartment had a little mouse problem. He went slowly to the kitchen and searched for the light switch.
But as soon as the light was turned on, saw Hoseok that this was not a mouse.
There was a big dark shadow infront of him. The man turns around and saw him. Hoseok ran away as soon as he saw that the man had a knife in his hand.
He ran straight to Jackson's apartment and slammed at his door with his fists. The door opened from itself. He quickly run into Jackson's  living room to get help from him. Hoseok screamed because of what he saw.
Jackson was dead. He was covered in blood and he was cut open. He couldn't believe what he saw. He wanted to turn around and run away but the man was already in front of him. He locked the door so that he couldn't flee anywhere. The man came closer to Hoseok. As soon as he was about to stab Hoseok, woke Hoseok up.

~3:46 A.m.~

Just a dream. He was full with sweat and out of breath. This is not the first time that Hoseok had a nightmare about him getting killed or even him killing someone. He's kinda used to it, but still, he can't help but get scared to death when he has those nightmares. They feel just too real. He falls asleep soon after that and sleeps till his alarm rings to wake him up.


~Saturday 7:47 P.M~

Yoongi can finally go home, he got a call at 1 p.m. that he needs to work today. He works for a big music producer as an assistant and barely gets days off. That means he is always at work and the gofer of the producer. He needs to get him his coffee whenever he wants one or he needs to get the car ready for his boss. He hates his job, but what should he do. Yoongi always dreamed about being a big producer who works with legends all around the world, however is Yoongi trying really bad not to get fired. His boss kinda dislikes him because Yoongi gets sometimes more attention of the manager of the company for some of Yoongis tips that he throws into the room while the producer and companies boss talk about the music that gets produced. Yoongi already went to the elevator and went down to the ground floor. He gets a call by Hoseok.
'What's up?' Asks Yoongi
'Hey. About this double of mine, i just can't get it out of my head. This felt too real and now i kinda get the feeling that it's in my apartment.' Says Hoseok with a kinda scared voice.
'What do you mean with it's in your apartment? Do you want me to come over?' Asks Yoongi concerned.
'Oh, no it's alright. Here is a mouse, i heard noises and i guess that was the noise. I guess I overreacted. Everything's fine. Should we meet up tomorrow?' Asks Hoseok in a rush.
'Yes i have time, do you really think i shouldn't come over?' Asks Yoongi.
'Yes everything's fine Yoongi, let's meet tomorrow at 6 P.m. i need to work so just come to the shop, okay?' Says Hoseok.
Yeah sure Hoseok, I'll see you then tomorrow.' Answers Yoongi.
Before he could say anything else hung Hoseok up and the call ended.


So this was the end of this chapter, there will happen something important in the next chapter so keep looking forward to it:)
I kinda get the feeling that this chapter is a little bit boring but i want to make it up to you. The next chapter is gonna be maybe a little bit longer then this one and for sure get's more tension. The end part of this chapter was kinda tuff to write, i rewrote the end maybe three times because i couldn't decide what i wanted to write or rather happen. I want to get Yoongi a little bit more into the focus because he also IS one of the two main characters. I try to do this in the chapter after the following. I hope you'll like this chapter and keep on reading the story <3

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