feeling cheated (bxb)

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Nico finds his boyfriend cheating and goes to his favorite coffee shop where he sees his beautiful baristas friend by the name of Seb who comforts him in more ways than one. They're in Dublin Ireland btw

Nico's POV

I got out of my car slowly still aching from being on a plane for seven hours. I had to leave on a quick business trip to New Castle for a big photography shoot and since I'm one of the best they flew me out there within a two hour notice.

I was happy to be home and finally get to lay in my bed saying fuck it to grabbing my luggage and just went inside slightly confused as clothes were strewn across the floor. I felt my breath hitch at the squeaking up the stairs and was just hoping it was my brain playing tricks on me but I had a feeling it wasn't since it wasn't just my boyfriends clothes but a matching set of bra and panties along with a tight red dress on the floor.

I creeped up the stairs not to make any noise but they probably wouldn't have heard me anyway since they were scream moaning. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I got closer to the door the sounds only getting louder as I approached it. My shaking hand slowly gripped the handle to our bedroom door and I opened to see the most awful thing I've ever witnessed.

My sister was bouncing on my boyfriends cock screaming like a banshee causing me to throw my hand over my mouth and let our a gut wrenching sob. Everything seemed to freeze both of them just now noticing that I was in the room and this caused them to stop and just stare at me. My sister looked like she was going to apologize my boyfriend really not seeming to care all that much but I didn't let them say anything as I rushed out of the house and back in my car laying my head on the steering  wheel for a moment just letting everything sink in and to get a good cry out.

When I saw the door opening and my sister walking out now dressed I took that as a sign to leave and peeled out of there driving away as quick as possible. I drove for a while just looking around and thinking about the situation I would have to eventually drive back to when I'm done moping around. I sighed when I saw my favorite coffee shop and decided to pull into the parking lot and go in smiling at the familiar smell of coffee and biscuits as soon as I walked in.

I walked of to the counter slowly rubbing my blurry eyes once more so I could look at the coffee choices on the wall behind the counter. I was about to order when my friend Seb walked out from the back. His smile widened slightly when he saw me but quickly dropped when he saw my condition and walked from behind the counter when I ordered and sat down. He came up to my table pulling a chair beside me so he could sit "Nico what happened?" He asked concern laced in his voice.

I frowned and wrapped my arms around him in a hug burying my head in his neck as I let more tears fall "d-danial cheated o-on m-me" I almost sobbed out but tried to keep it down since we were in public. He wrapped his arms around me sighing "I'm so sorry Nico" He said soothingly running his hand through my hair softly. Me and Seb have been friends for about a year since I've been coming to this coffee shop so much. We've only hung outside of here a few times but we always hang out in the coffee shop once he's done with his shifts if I come here and he's always been the most comforting guy I know.

I almost purred when he started to run his fingers through my hair loving the feeling and never wanting it to stop. I was startled by a cup and biscuit being set on the table in front of us pulling away to see what happened. I smiled and grabbed the items smiling back at Seb "Im sorry from keeping you from your work with my messy life" I chuckled softly taking a sip of my mocha frappe which was my favorite comfort drink. He smiled shaking his head "I don't mind I'm getting off in about five so it's not that big of a deal" He leaned over to face me better "do you need somewhere to stay for the night?" He asked which made me contemplate the question. Did I want to go back to my flat? No but did I want to disturb Seb's peace? Also no.

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