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"Ma'am we're deeply sorry😭😭"Bathany cried out holding on to her legs , very embarrasing but worth it.."we dont deserve to die, this purnishment is worse😭"

'Calm down young lady😑, you will stain my gown, and beside you exaggerating the issue" Mrs cannon fired


"Its not actually a jungle anymore, it had been the cleared by the government for sight seeing and other camping activities"

"So like a retired forest?"Peg asked

"Sought of"
Her response bringing up more talks as noise feeled the air.. "Please silence!. Thank you"

"Is it compulsory to go" Wendy asked after the place went silent

"How much  do you love failure" smirking at her own response Mrs cannon hurries for the door " And yes your parents know about this project and love the theme jungle , any further question before i leave.

"When?"maggie yelled out

"Two weeks time will do"😊 she smiled as she leaves them devastated.

"Doomed we all aint!" Brianna cried out

"I dont see anything wrong with camping tho"Abel finally broke the silence

"True tho, we will be with ourselves all alone , breaking rules" Roland proposed

"Yeah sure in a retired forest🙄"Bethany asked

"You heard the lady, it has been refined by the government" Wendy ultered

"I taught you all were scared to go!" beth shocked as ever

"Hell no!, we only acted that way so she wont change her mind, i taught you were with us?"Daniel asked raising her from the floor

" Hell no!, i aint going, am scared bruv am actually serious" backing out as she uses the door too

"I will make her understand" Wendy issued........

"Why are you possessed ? 😩" Wendy altered taking the last cookie from the bar

"I am possessed😬" chill is it just you that don't know what possessed means?😒 Bethany asked taking a good look at Wendy with the last cookie

"Ya! A spoiler of fun🙄"

"You need Jesus".....Bethany gasped out

" OK look just be straight with me , why don't u wanna go?"

"Isn't obvious?

" No its not😒"

"I hate going far from home"

"But you would be with me babe😟"

"Ain't I with you now"?Bethany confused as ever

" without parents supervision" Wendy making quotes with her hands for a better expansion..

"Yeah sure , in the woods" Replied Bethany as she rolled her eyes

"It would be fun!!!"

"What your definition of fun wend? "

"Anything done without parents"💁

" so that's fun?  😳"


After a long gasp " Let's just go and buy groceries before mom comes back

"But you coming , right?"

"Its my project , why won't I?"

"Make sense" Wendy echoed as she follows Bethany out of the house


"Let's forget I love you, let's forget you mean a lot to me"...... Am actually lazy against next week".... Bethany rolled on her bed covering her face from the sun as mum tries pulling her off the bed

" You just scared to leave home cause its your first time far from mom"

"Mom".....waiting for awhile as each other eyes  fixed on each other. " Its just a feeling"she responded with less ease

"You are going, no two ways about this matter! and go take your bath , its 7:00 already, this would be the third time in three days you actually going late this week. Mom concluded as she stumbled out to give her daughter space to have her shower......

" since she came back, its been torture!!😭😭😭"

"Bharbie I heard that, 20 minutes is all I give you!!"

"Its my project and I have to go , i don't know why they are trying to make me go " she thoughts as the went in to take her bath

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