This is our youngest dog named Otis. The groomer shaved him, and he looks terrible when he's shaved, but he's super cute when he has his fluffy hair. He is my Mom's dog.
Alright, so Glitter was being an ass and hiding behind my Mom's bed (she's not very social lmao), so I couldn't get a picture of her, but this is her from like 5 or 6 years ago when we first got her. I'll post a picture of her now if she'll come out of her corner. She's my sister's dog.
This is Princess <3 She is my baby. She just turned 8, and I'm so fricking sad :( She is a Pomeranian, and she's insanely sassy.
This is Rubble lolol. He's our newest addition, but we aren't exactly sure how old he is. We're guessing around 2 or 3. He is a weiner dog, and he loves to sleep under the covers by my legs. He is my little bro's dog.