Chapter 10

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I managed to fall asleep in the truck. It seemed like we were traveling forever and I silently cried myself to sleep. The last thing I heard him say to someone on the phone is that we heading East. I'm not really sure which direction East is but it sounds like a piece of information I need to remember.

I dose off dreaming about my best friend and all the games we use to play. When we started day care we were taught how to remember our home phone numbers in case we ever got lost in a park or at the mall. Anna sang her number so much that I instead remembered her phone number instead of mine. It became a little nursery rhyme. You know one of those things you just can't get out of your head. Its stuck on repeat and it sometimes drives you crazy. Well that's how often we sang those numbers over and over again.

I jerk awake when we go over a speed hump at a rapid speed and it almost throws me into the air. "Hey look who is awake. Sorry for giving you a fright. I didn't see the hump in the road" Sam says. I heard him say his name to the person on the phone before I fell into a slumber. I wonder if it is his real name or as fake as the name Jack. Man I hate that name.

I nod my head and sit up. Buckling my seat belt. "May we please stop to get some food. I'm really hungry S-sdad. I force out.

"Did you just....wait hold up... Oh my sweet baby Jesus. Well it sounded like a f"&%d up version of the word but hey I'll take it". Sam smiles and turns back to the road. Phew that was close.

"There is a gas station just up the road. I need to stop and fill up anyways so you go ahead and get some snacks for us and I'll be right behind OK. Don't try nothing funny now. We wouldn't want any unnecessary blood on our hands. Do we Jacky boy"

Ugh!!! I HATE that name. And mums its wrong to hate something. You should simply ' dislike ' it.

I nod once again as we pull into the gas station. That's when I see it. I see the pay phone In the small corridor inside the store. Sam gets out and comes around to open my door and unbuckle me. How old does he think I am? 2? As I climb out I see a coin laying on the floor of the truck and pick it up before he sees me. Hmmm am I lucky or what? I guess not hence the reason I'm in this situation right now. But sometimes a kid has got to work with what they're given.

"May I please use the bathroom first. I really really need to go. O don't know when I'll get the chance again and I reeeaaallly need to go." I whine while jumping up and down.

"OK OK geez. Shut it already. You causing a scene and we DO NOT need that dang attention. Hurry up and remember boy. Don't try your shit with me."

I run off in the direction of the bathroom and hide behind the phone. I call the number I remembered so clearly.

It rings

And rings

And rings

Just as I'm about to put down I hear my favourite sound. Ana - banana!!!!

She sounds so sleepy and I'm not sure she will even remember or understand what I'm saying but I just have to keep my fingers and toes crossed and pray. I tell her everything I need when I see Sam closing the lid of the gas tank and putting the nozzle back into the machine.

I drop the receiver and run into the bathroom. I wash my hands and walk out and straight into him.

"Damn I thought you were trying to test me but I guess you smarter than it seems. Go and chose snacks for us and I'll be out soon to pay"

He pushes me to the side and walks into the loo. Phew that was super closer. I release the breath I was holding and shake my head. I need to clear my brain before I give myself up.

I walk through the aisle and pick up random treats. Cookies. Chocolate bars. Crisps. And ooohh Pillsbury muffins with Astros. Yum! As I turn to enter the fridge with all the drinks an older man stops me and places his hand on my shoulder. I tense up and look up into his friendly eyes. He reminds me of my Pops. I miss him...

"Hey little one. Let me help with all those treats." He takes them and puts it into a basket.

"Where is your Mum and Dad?"

"Right here" Sam responds and I am so relieved. Never thought I would be, but I don't want something bad to happen to the man because Sam thought 'I tried something '

"Oh good. Would that be all then"

The man smiles and nods to us.

"Yes thank you. Please also include the gas I just filled up" Sam says and pays for our things.

"Do you folks live near by?" John asks. He is wearing a name badge. My one friend back home is also named John haha. I need to tell him he is named after a very nice old man.

"No. No we just passing through. We actually headed South. Need to fetch his mother. She was visiting her parents for a while" North? But he said East on the phone. Oh no I gave Ana the wrong direction!

Johns smiles and packs our things and hands me the paper bag. ' Save the turtles '  written on it. Hmm interesting.

"Well then, happy I could help. Now don't go and eat all things sweet things in one go OK. Your Dad sure wouldn't like you getting tummy cramps" John says and pinches my cheeks. I smile and Thank him.

We exit the store and walk over to the pick up truck. I climb in and buckle my seatbelt as I slump in my seat. I'm never going to be found....


Still enjoying? I sure do hope you are. I'm having a slight problem with Wattpad only uploading certain of my chapters and then I have to delete and restart again and its a royal pain in my......

But I will persevere and pull through till the end of time. Or the end of this book. Which is faaaar from over. So

Sit back



Lotsa lovies

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