As the sun sets and night settles upon the glowing blue ball of Celedora, the scene changes to the Palace. From within, the King and Queen hold and emergency meeting with the chancellors and Kings Guard, whom circle the vicinity armed with the highest quality armor and golden trim.
The Kings throne is thick at the base with two pointed ends above the top rail. The arms look to be made of dragon bone, and the seat is black satin that drapes over the edges like sludge. Meanwhile, the Queens seat is made of pure white linen and the ends are rounded and soft. They are mounted upon a set of wide stairs that stretch the majority of the throne room. Standing upon the dark grey and white marble floor are the six Chancellors, whom were previously serving under King Raf and Queen Lini. Despite being different sizes, and various ages they all look starved and gaunt. Malnourished, perhaps due to stress. One can see the sweat lingering across their brows and the weight they carry on their shoulders.
They are dressed in thick, black robes and beautifully tailored shirts accompanied by layered pants and leather boots. The four of them bow to their King and Adamants cold, pale face is unmoving. His thin eyes trail upon each of them in turn. His stare feels to contain the same power of medusa's, and they are all frozen in place.
"Why do you wish to disturb my wife and I so late into the night?" He demands. His voice sounds like ice cracking with pressure underfoot. Undeath the surface, bubbles anger and anticipation.
His Queen, Lensha, sits to his left. She is wearing a loose, white and brown gown that gives her pregnant stomach lots of room. Her long, black hair is a startling contrast to her clothes and her skin is clear and in pristine condition. Her eyes are dark and her jaw is perfectly angled towards her soft lips. She looks like a fashion model and holds herself with the same grace and dignity as one on a runway.
A chancellor steps forward, his short grey hair frames his round face and his large beard falls to his chest.
"We have reason to be concerned about the young fighters currently participating in the Colosseum battles." His voice creaks and groans due to his age.
Adamant expected such concern. He leans back on his throne and entices the man to continue. "Why would that be? My parents created the rules for the Colosseum and I am following them. If contestants from the prison wish to continue battling my precious beasts they have every right to do so."
"But my king-" A new chancellor steps forward. "-if I may, they are causing chaos within our city." This irks the King a bit. He glares down at the younger man and blinks nice and slow.
"I see no chaos. The people may express their concerns as they wish. They pose no threat to me or the society that I have built."
"The children are giving the rebellion fuel your highness. We have seen more activity and riots in our streets and we are left to assume that the rebels are recruiting more soldiers as each day passes."
The King drums his fingers against the arm of his chair impatient. "Any why haven't we been able to find those rebel scum yet? I assume, it is not difficult for my armys to tear the city apart looking for these rats."
The elder chancellor shows clear aggression. "We have no clear way of knowing who is rebellious against you your highness, any who show signs of aggression are locked up in jail, which is overflowing with prisoners. Something must be done."
The King shoots up in his chair, and the old man pivots back in fear. "The rebellion holds no threat to me, it is you and your weak leadership that causes these vermin to fester and annoy me. As for the children..." he images the determination and fire in Birdy's eyes when he first met her. How he wishes to snuff it out with the tips of his fingers...but not like this.
"They are locked in my prison, surrounded by guards and my loyal friend Enzo. They have no room to start any new rebellious acts under his strict care. As for the fights that I allow them to join in. You, should be grateful. The income they drag in due to their popularity is astounding, and the more support we have in the colosseum the greater control we have over the people. Those mindless drones will continue to watch my battles, and the three children are the perfect bait."
The chancellors clearly disagree, but they back down. One man bites his lower lip, he wishes that the old King and Queen were here to talk sense into their son, but it will be to no avail. Duty bound, the Chancellors bow.
"Our apologies, for questioning you your majesty. We promise, it is only in regards to the safety of our great city."
The king sits back in his spot and glances over at his wife, whom seems concerned. She places a hand on her stomach and closes her eyes, only wanting to go back to sleep at let the stresses of the day pass her by.
"With all due respect your majesty, this is bull-shit"
Everybody turns to look at a young King guard, standing by the wall of the throne room. His huge boots clamor against the tiles and reverberates around the room.
"All this drama could be avoided if you just killed them, that was my wish. Remember?" It's Huld. He is dressed appropriately yet no matter how many layers of beautifully crafted kings garb he wears, he can not hide is ruffness and scrappy look. His upper lip curls in annoyance and his hands rest lazily on his hips, from which a large black gun and silver knife are placed.
It takes every ounce of King Adamants remaining patient to remain from killing the idiot on the spot. If it weren't for his personal ties to the Nitro's family, the idiots head would be mounted on a platter.
"See young Huld, it is my divine right to honor your requests. I do not obey you nor have any obligations to please you. I have done enough, giving you the honor of Kings guard is honorary for a low borne like yourself."
Huld grinds his jaw together and steps back to the wall, feeling ashamed and infuriated.
"I am disappointed." Adamant burrows his head into his hand. "I sense doubt amongst my servants. Doubt, that I will be able to handle a seemingly trivial issue such as this."
The individuals situated in the throne room share a familiar fear. Adamant lowers his hand and contemplates his next move.
"Thankfully for you all, the grace and kindness of my parents does not fall short on me. I will consider this transgression as a minor fault." he waves his hand in the air dismissing them. The chancellors stumble into the clear leaving the throne room empty and bare. Adamant stands up, and his wife speaks in a soft yet naive tone.
"My dear." her tender stare holds firm. "I always have complete faith in your decisions-" he tilts his body to glare at her from over his shoulder.
"I..I just wish to know the benefits of your actions. You seem far more stressed lately and I-"
"You have no reason to ask me to decipher my own motives. Keep your mouth shut and stay by my side..." His eyes trail down to her stomach. "By the way my love..." He raises his hand and places his cold palm on the bulk of her stomach.
"Have you any news of the child's condition?"
Lensha holds her breath, and gives an awkward head shake. "No, not yet. I'm sure we will be informed soon enough."
The king leaves her with that. His eyes trail off into the distance, now, only thinking of the girl and her troublesome friends....
Free *Editing*
ФэнтезиBirdy and Barn are two orphan siblings who struggle to live in a dystopian western world. They travel to the pinnacle of this country, Celedora, a towering capital protected by a particle shield keeping out the pests congregating from the wild outsk...