˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥How you met

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You two go way back to when you guys were little in kindergarten.

One day it was recess, all the other kids were playing but you weren't because you didn't have any friends at the time so you were drawing alone. Until someone came up to you and said "Hey why aren't you playing with the other kids?" Said the strange boy with green hair and freckles.

You looked up to see who this boy was. "I don't have anyone to play with" you said sadly going back to drawing. "Well it's ok you can come and play with me and Kacchan!" He said.

"Really?" You say looking back up at the green haired boy and now standing. "Of course you can! My name is Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku nice to meet you....?" "It's y/n" you said introducing your name to him.

And since then you guys have been best friends. You guys did everything together, sleepovers, sleep with each other etc. You guys even have a friendship bracelets that you mad for one another.

Izuku became more in love with you and had the fattest crush on you but he tried to hide it because of "cooties".


You guys go way back too just like Izuku. You really wanted to be his friend so you guys started to hang out and talk (well you started to hang with HIM).

You would go everywhere with him, you considered him as your friend but Bakugou didn't as much, he thought you were like his fans that just liked his quirk.

Sooner or later he thought that you were a little cool so he didn't him you as much and just accept your friendship a little. When you had got your quirk he started to notice you more and he got overprotective as the years went on with you and him.

But even though he was mean to you at times, you knew that he had a soft side to him deep down somewhere. You both would hang out all the time and even have sleepovers, Bakugou would watch you sleep just to see if you were okay and safe because he didn't want nothing bad happening to you.

He was mean to you but also nice to you at the same time. As the friendship went on he and you had a huge crush on each other but tried to hide it because you guys didn't want to ruin the bond you both had.


It was raining and you forgot your umbrella and you were on your way to U.A high. "Damn it" you say to yourself as you look up to see it was raining "I knew I should've brought my umbrella!"

Suddenly there was a thunder "EEP!" You screamed jumping a little by the thunder. "There's thunder ugh great way to start off my morning" you say and suddenly as the rain had stopped or so you thought so. "Huh?" You looked up and there was an umbrella keeping you from out of the rain.

"What are you doing in the rain?" Said the voice and you turn around to see who was talking to you and there was a boy that was a little taller than you with white  hair on one side and the other red hair.

"I was on my way to U.A but it had started to rain" you said to him. "*sigh* c'mon I'll take you" he said. "Oh no you don't have to" you try and stop him. "I'm not taking no for an answer, plus I go to U.A too so let's go" he said so you follow him but...then the thunder started up again. "EEK!" You screamed and he looked at you. "You scared of thunder?" He asked and you looked at him. "Y-yeah sorry about that" you apologized. "Don't be c'mon let's hurry up, oh and by the way I'm Todoroki Shoto" He says. "I'm (y/n) (l/n)". And you guys are off to U.A.


You guys go back to junior year. You were a transfer student and you were introduced to the class. "Okay class today we have a new student here joining us, you can come in now" the teacher said. You walked in and introduced yourself to the class. "Okay you can have a seat behind Kirishima, Kirishima can you please raise your hand". He raises his hand and you sit behind him.

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