˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥First date/kiss pt 2

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Here part 2 bc it was starting to get really long but yeah... enjoy the story


Denki has asked you out on a date to go roller skating and you happily said yes. He sent you the location where he was at and you got there as fast as you could.

⬇️This is what you wore⬇️

You smiled once you got out of your car which everyone noticed it was a celebrity pulling up and wanting to take pictures and talk to you but luckily Denki didn't see that part of people coming up to you

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You smiled once you got out of your car which everyone noticed it was a celebrity pulling up and wanting to take pictures and talk to you but luckily Denki didn't see that part of people coming up to you. You waved your driver goodbye and they pulled off.

You went in the place and saw Denki standing by the entrance waiting for you to get there. You ran up to him being too happy to see him and how this date will end up.

"Hi Denki!" You jumped on his back which took him by surprise.

"Y/n! I didn't even notice you were here yet!" He said and you laughed. You two walked to the person giving the skates and went to the skating rank.

You knew how to roller skate but you were pretty rusty so it took you a while to get used to it. You asked Denki if you could hold his hand just because you didn't want to fall and he gladly said yes to. Denki and you were talking about video games, anime, and his doujinshis he made.

All of a sudden

"Hey Denki-" you were soon got cut off from your sentence by falling and Denki falling down will you. He was now on top of you facing you and looking into your eyes, Denki leaned in and kiss you on your lips.

The kiss was gentle and it felt like sparks were flying. It felt fireworks had just been sent off and exploded everywhere and seeming like this whole kissing the person you wanted to be with was a whole fairy tale but except the fairy tale was real.

'Wow their lips are so sweet and soft I could do this forever' Denki thought.

You both parted to catch some air for each other, you weren't expecting that to happen. Your face was on fire from blushing so much.

'Is this real? This this a dream?! Ahhh I can't-' your thoughts had been cut off.

"Y/n such an amazing person I ever met so will you please be my girlfriend?" He said blushing and trying to his his face.

"Yes! Of course I will! But I do have to confess something to do though" you said

"What is it? You can tell me anything" he said smiling at you which made you smile back at him.

"I'm a celebrity... I make music for people" you said.

"Wait really?! That's so cool!! Wait so is that why some people come up to you and is that why your sometimes good at what you do and are so busy?" Denki said still confused about this whole thing.

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