Chapter 11 The prince's friendship madeleines

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Today Ichigo and the sweets princes were making madeleines in cooking class. Madeleines were french small, sort of sponge, cakes. While the madeleines were being made, the princes were in thought of something. Ichigo noticed and asked them if something was wrong. "Nothing's wrong Amano-san," said Sennosuke "it's just we remembered that madeleines were the first sweets that we made together when we first entered this school last year". "Oh really?" asked Ichigo "what happened exactly when you three became a group?" "Well to tell you the truth Kashino-Kun and Hanabusa-Kun didn't really get along at first," said Sennosuke. "Gosh, what happened?" said Ichigo. "It's a long story, Amano," said Makato. "Well I like stories," said Ichigo "and I would love to hear all about it". "Okay, then we shall tell you," said Satsuki.

The story began on the day, a year ago, that Makato and Sennosuke entered St Marie Academy for the first time. Sennosuke was excited to start learning. Makato, on the other hand, was different. Even though he did seem pleased to be in the school, well he was just eager to be top of the school and he didn't believe that making new friends mattered. When Makato and Sennosuke saw the Spirit Queen's statue and learned of the legend about sweets spirits, Sennosuke hoped that he would be friends with a sweets spirit, but Makato thought it was some fairy tale nonsense.

At that moment they met Satsuki; Satsuki was handing out roses to the girls. Sennosuke and Makato could tell at once that Satsuki was a flirt type. Makato thought that there was no way that he would be friends with Satsuki. Bad news for Makato was that Satsuki was to be his roommate. Satsuki filled the room with roses to welcome Makato to the school, but Makato didn't like it. He thought Satsuki was very annoying and Satsuki thought Makato as a grouchy brat. So it was obvious that Makato and Satsuki weren't going to get along that well. Sennosuke tried to keep the peace but to no avail.

Unfortunately, things got worse when it was the first cooking class. Makato, Sennosuke, and Satsuki were placed in Group A at once, but Makato and Satsuki were not happy being in the same group. They were learning to make madeleines but Makato and Satsuki started to fight. They argued over the equipment, they made each other spill things like flour and sugar, and then last of all they had a water fight with the taps. Ameya-Sensei was not happy about this.

The sweets princes got punished for their actions. Even though Sennosuke didn't do anything he was still being punished because he was in the same group. They were in detention writing an apology essay. Makato was not happy with this and blamed Satsuki and Satsuki called Makato a monkey. Sennosuke tried to tell them to stop fighting, but it was no good. Makato stomped out of the room, not even bothering to finish his essay.

Makato was starting to practice making chocolate in the cooking room. "Kashino we were banned from coming in here," said Sennosuke. "I came to this school to practice making sweets," said Makato "and I am not letting anything or anyone stops me". Satsuki became cross with Makato. "You are so full of yourself," he said to Makato "and you only care about yourself". "The only thing I care about is becoming a top patissier!" shouted Makato.

It was at that moment that three sweets spirits appeared in front of the boys. Chocolat introduced herself to Makato, Café introduced himself to Satsuki and Caramel introduced herself to Sennosuke. Sennosuke and Satsuki were happy to accept Caramel and Café as their partners, but Makato refused Chocolat. He intended to work to be top patissier on his own.

At that moment Ameya-Sensei appeared. She was not happy that the boys broke the rule of not being allowed in the cooking room, so the sweets princes got more punishment. The punishment was that they weren't allowed to have dinner and leave their dorm, and they were banned from attending cooking class for three days. "Good going!" Satsuki growled to Makato.

That evening the sweets princes just stayed quiet in their dorm rooms, feeling hungry. Makato was just staying quiet, Satsuki was reading and Sennosuke was finishing unpacking his stuff. Caramel decided to help Sennosuke and she noticed a green box. Sennosuke explained that it's a gift that his brother Ichita. Caramel opened the box, but what was inside was a scary monster jack in the box. Caramel became so scared from the jack in the box; she flew out of the window and into the forest. Mankato, Satsuki and their spirits heard the commotion and Café explained that Caramel had no sense of direction. Sennosuke left the room to find Caramel; even if he wasn't allowed to leave, he couldn't leave Caramel alone. Makato left to help out too; he wasn't the type to admit it but Sennosuke was his friend and the only real friend that he has ever had. Satsuki was impressed with the fact with what Makato and Sennosuke were doing.

In the forest Caramel had gotten herself lost in the forest and she did not know the way back to the dorms. Fortunately for her Sennosuke found her. "Thank you for founding me Andou" said Caramel, tearfully. "It's no problem," smiled Sennosuke "we are partners after all". Sennosuke and Caramel were just about to find their way back, but then more trouble occurred. And slipped into a hole and twisted his ankle, so Andou couldn't get out.

Meanwhile Makato was looking for Sennosuke. Chocolat was following him to help him, but Makato kept insisting that he didn't need her help. At last Chocolat lost her patience. "Listen I have already decided to have you as my partner," she said, crossly, "and I know that you and I can make our dreams come true together". Makato stared at Chocolat. "Okay, I accept your help" he said. Chocolat was happy to hear those words. Just then they heard a whistle. "It's Andou" said Makato. Sennosuke was whistling for help. As Makato and Chocolat were heading over to where Sennosuke was, the sun went down and the forest became too dark for Makato to see anything. Chocolat used her magic fork to light the way; Makato was surprised by her magic.

They soon found Sennosuke and Caramel. "You are so careless Caramel" said Chocolat. Sennosuke couldn't believe that Makato was here, especially since they would both be expelled for leaving the dorms. Makato saw that Sennosuke was hurt, and set to help at once. He found a very long vine, went into the hole, carried Sennosuke on his back, and they climbed up the vine to get out of the hole. "I'm always relying on you to help me get out of tough situations" Sennosuke said to Makato. "We will graduate and become top patissiers together" said Makato.

They were nearly at the top, but the vine snapped. Before the boys fell, Satsuki grabbed onto them. He had snuck out to help too. Makato couldn't believe that Satsuki had helped out, but he was grateful. The three boys returned back to the dorms as quickly as they could, but they feared though that they would be caught sneaking around the dorms. They were found out but by the chairman. The chairman had been fishing; he loved to fish in the lake at night times. The sweets princes were very hungry by now and the chairman informed them that the cooking rooms are always open 24 hours a day. The boys thought that the chairman was going to punish them, but he didn't. The truth is the chairman could see that the sweets princes would make excellent patissiers in the future, and expelling them was something that he had no intention of.

The boys and spirits went into the cooking room and made madeleines for a midnight snack. The sweets princes worked together with their spirits to make them, and this time the boys got along with each other. So there was no more fighting between Makato and Satsuki, to Sennosuke's relief. Makato made chocolate madeleines, Sennosuke made green tea madeleines and Satsuki made apple and black tea madeleines. The sprits made drinks to go with the madeleines. Caramel made some caramel tea, Chocolat made hot cocoa and Café made coffee. The boys loved each other's madeleines and it was thanks to that that the boys really opened up to each other and truly became a group.

Ichigo was fascinated by the story and was pleased that the boys did become friends. She then presented her friendship madeleines to the boys; it was raspberry and lemon curd. "These are delicious Ichigo-chan" said Satsuki. "Yes the raspberries and lemon curd are perfect together" said Sennosuke. "The sponge cake is also right too" said Makato. "I'm glad you like them" smiled Ichigo. The sweets princes were happy to have Ichigo as a friend and partner in their group. The spirits were also happy that everything went okay for their partners, and that group A was now a team of four with Ichigo about.

The end.

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