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"WE NEED TO TAKE COVER !" VENUS YELLED over her shoulder toward Jorge and Brenda, voice desperate as her eyes roamed the area filled with slaughter and gunfire, her gaze finally landing upon several crates stacked on one antoher, "this way !"

     When the first bomb hit, Venus knew she had to get Brenda from the tent, and so she did — rushing towards where Brenda was. She wasn't sure in what state Brenda would be in, because a few hours prior, it looked like death was ready to take her, but, the girl looked much healthier now, which was a relieve to Venus.

   Venus held a gun in hand, nervous really, but nevertheless, it was for protection, and she'd use it if she'd have to.

   "Where's Thomas?" Brenda hurriedly spoke from next to her, "he was with Teresa, up the mountain."

   Venus' first isntinct was to rush to Thomas when all hell broke loose, but when the screams of the innocent people surged through her ears, she knew she had to get her friends to safety as well.

It's what Thomas would do.

    "There he is!" It was Jorge who grabbed the attention, Venus catching sight of Thomas, "I'll get him, stay here." She was quick on her feet, making sure the coast was clear as she hurried towards him.

  "Thomas !" She called after him, he turned around immediately, instant relief crossing his features. "You're okay." He neared Vernus, arms wrapping tightly around her, "thank god you're okay."

     "We need to take cover, c'mon." Venus' hand grabbed his as they moved toward where Venus left Brenda and Jorge. Ducking from bullets that were send flying through the air.

     Once Thomas and Venus were crouched next to Brenda and Jorge, they watched as the raging war continued.
The WICKED guards were everywhere, their weapons much more advanced than the Right Arm's. People were knocked over, most of them trying to fight back, shooting down some of the guards.

    It really was a war, and the outcome was unknown.

"We have to get out of here." Jorge spoke, attention turned toward Thomas and Venus, "while we still have the chance."

  Thomas nodded, "We'll go find the others." He was well on his way, Venus right behind him when Jorge grabbed him by the jacket, pulling him back with full force. "No ! Look —" Jorge pointed to where the rest of their friends were. Newt, Minho, Frypan, Sonya, Harriet and Vince, situated at a vehicle, reloading their guns and firing towards WICKED guards.

    And then, it went to shit. A WICKED guard threw a shock grenade towards them, taking every single one of them out.

  "No. No." Venus repeated silently, this couldn't be it. This couldn't be how it ended.

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