Young King

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Wyatt sat bored on his throne with his legs crossed. He was slouching slightly and tapping his fingers anxiously. His crown was straight but his hair was slightly ruffled. He wasn't a fan of the sleek look that his father had. The great King Maverick, the ruler he was constantly compared to, the father that died before he was born. General Roy, the only father he really knew, loved to tell him stories about Maverick. He knew all about Maverick's perfect poise, his kindness, his gift with words, the adoration the kingdom felt for him and the shoes Wyatt himself were meant to fill. Thinking about this caused him to tap his fingers even faster. It's not that he didn't like having Maverick as the father everyone knew, but he felt like there was a piece missing. He knew about his mother, but barely.

"What's eating at you?" Layo, Roy's actual son, asked him interrupting his thoughts.

Wyatt glanced over to see him walking over. Layo, who was only a couple years younger, had brown hair that he kept parted to the side. His big green eyes watched Wyatt curiously. Wyatt adjusted his crown on his wavy black hair. His electric blue eyes went back out of focus as he stared ahead at nothing and let out a sigh.

"You ever think about what your mother was like?" Wyatt asked him.

"Uh, no. I can't say I have," Layo said scratching his head.

"Why not?"

"I guess I just accept that fire users don't get moms. My dad didn't have one and neither did your dad."

"Does he ever talk about her?"

"Your mom or mine?"

Wyatt gave Layo a dumb look. "Yours. Why would he talk to you about my mother?"

"I don't know, maybe because she was the queen and they were best friends when they were kids."

"What?" Wyatt lit up.

"Yeah, Korina told me that your mom was in the woods when she was younger, lost and alone. Our dads found her and brought her here to help her."


"Wait, you didn't know that?"

Wyatt shook his head. "I was told that she was fierce and beautiful but also there were mysteries about her that were unsolved. That's really all I know."

Layo took a seat on the chair to the right of the throne. "Okay, well, that's a start. I heard she was a water user."

"This isn't a joking matter, Layo."

"I'm serious."

"How can she be a water user? They're extinct."

Layo shrugged. "Just relaying what Korina told me."

"How does Korina know so much?"

"Her parents told her."

Wyatt furrowed his brows. "Why won't father tell me?"

"Why don't you ask him? He's in his study right now."

Without another word, Wyatt shot up from his throne and hurried to the East Wing. He dodged a few servants but eventually pushed open the door to the General's study. Roy looked up from his desk with his eyebrows lifted. His red hair was combed back exposing his big gold eyes.

"Is everything alright, son?" he asked in a fatherly tone.

Wyatt was about to shut the door when Layo pushed his way in as well. Roy crinkled brow. "What's going on?"

"Hey dad!" Layo said enthusiastically. "Can you tell us about the queen?"

"The queen? Why?" Roy wondered looking at them with interest.

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