The Truth

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Layo patted Wyatt on the shoulder of the palace steps as he took his place at his side. Roy stood to Wyatt's left and smiled to himself. Wyatt stood with his shoulders back and chin up forcing the perfect poise he knew was expected of him. His crown gleamed in the bright sun and the grounds were filled with citizens from the kingdom. Everyone was gathered and patiently awaiting the arrival of their closest allies, the Earth users of Burkeman.

Cheering ensued as the carriage arrived. Layo beamed as Princess Korina stepped out of the carriage first. He hurried over and offered his arm to her as he escorted her up the steps to greet Wyatt. She grinned widely at Layo and bowed to Wyatt. Wyatt gave her a nod. "Welcome, Princess," he said professionally.

She smiled at him and stepped aside with Layo as her parents made their way up the stairs. Queen Mina's grin was wide as well. King Jakyll had a more serious expression on his face as usual. Before Wyatt could greet them, Mina rushed over and hugged Roy tightly. Jakyll smiled and embraced Roy as well before turning to Wyatt.

"Good morning, King Wyatt. You look very handsome today," Mina said motherly.

Wyatt shifted as he tried to stay professional. "Thank you, Queen Mina."

Jakyll slapped a hand on Wyatt's shoulder. "Wow! You look just like him!" he exclaimed as he smiled.

Wyatt couldn't help but smile. As much as he tried to keep the greeting formal, it was really just family visiting. They were like his aunt and uncle. He wondered what kind of relationship they had with Maverick and felt a slight sadness he never got to experience it. Jakyll put an arm around Wyatt's shoulders as they walked into the Entrance Hall.

"Every time you strike that pose, kid, it's Maverick 100%," Jakyll said chuckling.

"Father was just saying something similar a few days ago."

"Yeah, well, Roy of all people would know."

They headed into the Royal Dining Hall which was just a long table used in a much smaller dining room to accommodate only the king and his guests. Wyatt was aware that Maverick had never used it before but never really understood why. They took their usual seats and Wyatt caught a glance at Layo and Korina's hands together.

"This place is like a second home," Mina said smiling as she looked around.

"We are here quite often," Jakyll said as he took a sip of wine.

"We love having you," Roy told them raising his glass.

They all ate and made the usual small talk. When the dessert was served, Layo asked to be excused saying he really wanted to be careful with how much he consumed. Korina asked to be excused as well. They were given the okay and dashed through the doors within seconds.

"Those two are adorable," Mina said smiling as she sipped her wine.

Wyatt wondered if his mother and Maverick had ever escaped from meals like that before. A servant whispered something in Roy's ear and he gave a nod. "Please excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere," he said apologetically.

"You know, I recall you taking over as General when you were Layo's age," Jakyll said lifting an eyebrow. "Why not let Layo handle it and you relax?"

Roy let out a little laugh. "I'm very different from Layo. I don't expect him to live up to my standards. That wouldn't be fair to him."

Mina let out a murmur of agreement as Roy headed out leaving Wyatt alone with the King and Queen of Burkeman.

"So Wyatt, how old are you now? 16? 17?" Jakyll asked.

"I've recently turned 17," Wyatt responded wiping his lips with his handkerchief before he spoke.

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