Chapter 1

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The night was dark but only because the clouds had blocked the moon, its light could still be seen albeit not bright enough. The sound of running and panting is heard, so much for keeping quiet. My name is Klaus(or that's what I say it is), and I'm running for my life; why? Well let's go to the beginning.

I had a pretty good life going for me, had a job that paid well, a girl I loved very much and loved me just as much, but all that changed when my past came haunting. I know, I know, I've got to explain what this "past" is, well simply put I'm not exactly of this world. I come from another planet far away from the milky way galaxy, my people had conquered the world of science in ways that would put even the greatest of the greatest advancements your people could get in a million years to shame. What with teleportation and a couple of others to say the least, all that was thanks to a group of the smartest minds my planet had ever conceived, my dad was one of them, I wouldn't go into who my dad is, only that he was the leader of this group of people. Well, on to what caused this trouble in the first place, he'd made a huge breakthrough along with his team, the one thing that had always been of importance to my people, interstellar travels, I know what you're thinking "why would a planet of great technological advancement be late on interstellar travel?" Well, not one that has conquered the science of black holes.

Well back to me now, or should I say my dad? My dad figured out the reason for the research, it was all a military plan for planetary invasions, they planned on using it to conquer the world and its multiple universes (Cliche, I know right? But my people seem to have missed that point already). My father rushed in from work that night, he seemed to be in a rush as he'd startled me with his sudden burst into the house. "Ah-Riune!" He called without noticing my presence in the adjacent room from the door, our kitchen. "Ah-Riune![Hurry up child there's no time.]" He'd seen me sitting at the table having a meal, but a 13 year old by earth years would know nothing of the dangers coming.

"[What is it dad? Why are you in such a rush tonight?]" I asked, slowly getting up from my sit to  meet him but he had not the time to waste, he rushed over to me dropping a weird looking item on my hand forcefully along with a bag slightly heavy to carry.

"[We don't have much time, they're coming for me, they've already killed the rest of my team and their families.]" My father said in a rush. I was just about to ask " who?" that's when all hell broke loose, the windows shattered as a strong wave shook our house like an earthquake, I knew all too well this was my father's own invention, but the power wasn't as strong as this made it to be, had he upgraded it without my knowledge? He always tells me of his personal projects and keeps the ones of the planet on a need to know basis as I didn't need to know about them.

"[Hurry, downstairs now!]" We rushed downstairs down our basement as our house shook and dropped itself on us, if not for the closeness of the basement to the kitchen we'd have been buried under already. "[I don't have time to explain, you have to survive even if I don't, if I come with you they'd find us much faster than if you were alone. At least I can buy you a few years.]" He brought out a chip from his safe in the basement in a rush fidgeting with its buttons.

Wait his safe? I'd never noticed it before now, and still wasn't given the time to ask questions as the ground beneath me becomes a gapping hole with a swirling wind dragging me in like a tornado.

"[I'm sorry Ah-Riune, I have no choice.]" Those were the last words my father said to me before he dropped the device and smashed it on the ground, the hole in the floor closing up immediately with me in it. I knew what would become of my father, but what would become of me in this endless mass of darkness?

I'm also wondering just as you guys are wondering. Hey guys, this is Ah-Riune or in your language that would mean Nicholas. This is my story and not something the writer came up with, he wouldn't do much of a great job as I would, it is my life after all. Well back to my story; I'd been falling how long now? I never could tell, your science teachers would tell you "time is irrelevant in the black hole" and they are correct, I came out of the black hole in a forest of some sorts. I was as any of you could imagine devastated (let's just go with a few things my writer friend here wants). I'd just lost my dad(truthfully I was devastated), I was in a strange land with no hope of survival. To cut the long story short, I was losing my mind. Totally unrelated to the story I'm telling you guys, ignore the writer a while, sometimes he takes the reins (few times, it is my story and as such my rules), other times(most times), it's me, he's all serious here, serious there, come on dude, I'm the one who's on the run not you, crack a smile or something once in a while.

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