Chapter 6

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Alice's POV.

Thoughts of what it could possibly be swam violently through my head. I got up and walked closer to him before stopping a foot away.

"I'm all ears, Alpha" I said with a small smile. A new emotion crossed his features that I was unfamiliar with before that quickly got taken over by a look of unease.

He looked like he was battling himself once again but then turned towards the door to go inside. He moved his head slightly to make sure I was following and then held the it open for me.

Before no time, we were back in his office like we had been the day prior. I sat across his desk but instead of sitting in his own chair,  Gavin turned the chair that sat next to me and sat down in it.

His knees were only a few inches from my own but I tried to ignore how close our bodies were without touching. Why wouldn't he just lean his leg on mine?

"I wish I could think of a better place to tell you but I have to explain now. As you must know, my parents died while I was young and left me to take the spot of alpha." He hesitated and looked over me slowly before hardening his expression.

"My wolf is different, when I was younger he was fine. Something happened a few years ago and it changed my wolf and I's bonds. He changed and ever since it's like we're different creatures fighting for control in one body.
Sometimes he takes over when I let my guard down. I can shift but it's takes a lot for me in wolf form to stop him from going violent. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you last night." He sounded pained and I understood now why he sounded tired before. He's mentally drained from having this with him all the time. I didn't push and ask him what happened that led to the change because I assume he'll tell me when he's ready.

This is also why he wanted to take things slow. So, that's why his wolf was a little rough with me last night.

Regret and guilt crossed his face as his eyes looked into mine. I shook my head and reached across us to grab one of his hands. He immediately tensed but relaxed when I held his huge hand in my lap. The sparks were strong and lit my skin on fire making my stomach flutter.

"He didn't hurt me but when I saw you having a nightmare, I wanted to wake you up. You can't see what's happening when he takes over?"

"Sometimes but only when he catches me by surprise, it just feels like I'm unconscious. The only reason I knew was the marks on your arm."

"You weren't the one who made them."

He shook his head and looked down at my hands that held his. I tightened my grip a little and he looked back up into my eyes.

"He took care of me after accepting me as his mate." I tried to make him feel better but it did the opposite.

Gavin's eyes widened and he pulled his hand from mine to pull at his hair. He looked at my neck in a panic but when he didn't find what he was looking for, he relaxed a little.

"He didn't even try to mark me." I answered the question he had in his head.

"Next time he might try and he won't stop to ask." He stopped talking but seemed like he wanted to continue.

"He won't stop until he gets what he wants and he will use force." He sounded disgusted with himself.

"My wolf is the the reason for why I got you from the castle as I did. I told your father about my situation and that's why he was so harsh on you about not having a say in the matter. My wolf would make it a mission to find you and kill anyone in his way."

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