Vingt Deux

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Kay flinched as he heard Fido begin to whine at the apartment door for the second time that morning. He couldn't deal with it – didn't have the energy to so much as get up from his spot on the bathroom floor.

Distantly, he'd heard his phone go off, but he didn't know when that was. Could have been minutes ago, could have been hours. The point was, Kay was far too disoriented to care. He could get back to them later. If it was important, they would call again.

Kay pushed himself to sit more upright against the side of the bathtub, only to double over in pain moments after. No doubt he'd given himself food poisoning or something, it was just his luck.

A knock on the door. Kay heard Fido bark and flinched again. And he had a headache – perfect. Everything was going right today, it seemed. Kay didn't bother to get up, not even hearing the front door to the apartment open.

The next thing he knew, London was kneeling on the floor beside him, tucking some of the longer strands of his hair behind his ears. He was saying something, but Kay was in too much pain to care.

He shook his head and pushed London away gently. "I'm fine – 's just a bug," he mumbled. "You okay?" Kay mumbled his question, forcing himself upright again and sucking in a breath. "What's wrong? Y'look worried..."

"What's wrong? You've not picked up your phone in days and your boss called me because she hasn't seen or heard from you and she's worried, plus you look awful," London responded. He looked concerned, but his tone verged more into one of scolding rather than care. "You don't look okay, you can tell me what's wrong, I don't mind helping out. What do you need?"

"'S just food poisoning or something, I'm fine," Kay protested. "Can you walk Fido for me?"

"Walk Fido? I can do that," London agreed, brushing Kay's hair out of his face once again. "You're really hot, let me get you a drink."

Kay tried to protest but nothing came out of his mouth and London left the bathroom, returning moments later with a glass of water. When London handed it to him, Kay took it gratefully and sipped it.

"I am okay," he protested softly. "I'll probably be fine tomorrow. I'll call work and let them know what happened, it'll be fine."

"I don't think you are okay, have you even seen a doctor?"

Kay shook his head.

"I think you should. Now tell me what's wrong? Please?"

"I had stomach cramps and they just got worse. I'm fine. I had cheap, gas-station sushi a couple days ago, it's fine."

"What does it feel like now?"

"... Sharper, I guess? I don't know what you want from me. I've been getting chills and throwing up, but I've had food poisoning before. I know how it feels. There's some painkillers in the cabinet," Kay gestured upwards to the cupboard on the wall. "Can you grab me the box? Please?"

London nodded and pulled out a box of painkillers before handing it to Kay, though he was more concerned than he'd like to admit.

"Sharper? What do you mean? Where does it hurt?"

Kay swallowed two of the pills dry and gestured with his right hand to the lower part of his stomach.

"I'm really fine, I just feel awful that I haven't been able to walk Fido, it's not fair on him. Can you please do it? I can clean up his mess in the living room while you're out."

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