Trente Quatre

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Kay lay on his side, facing Halden. Between them, on their shared picnic blanket, lay an assortment of bakery items. It was hardly a meal, but it didn't need to be.

He had been absently feeding the ducks from a bag if frozen peas, tossing a small handful in the direction of the pond every few minutes. Kay glanced across at Halden again, unable to stifle a smile as he realised.

His fiancé was sitting right there. Just because they had no plans for a wedding yet, that didn't change anything. He was able to be here, watching the January sunset, with the person he loved most in the entire world. It was perfect.

"What do you think about a fall wedding?" Kay asked. "We could do it the week after I turn eighteen. It gives us just under year to plan everything. You think that's enough?"

"We can do it in the fall if that's what you want," Halden agreed. "We could do it sooner as long as you get your parents to sign off on it."

"No, they won't. It's a miracle that they haven't kicked me out yet," Kay smiled faintly. "What do we even need? I mean, there's so much to do..." he trailed off.

"Don't stress yourself out, m'kay? We can hire someone to plan everything for us. It'll be great. I love you, so much. Any wedding with you there will be perfect."

"Really?" Kay asked, "You're sure? It's your wedding too – I just – I want you to enjoy it too."

"We'll work on it together, yeah?"

"Yeah," he nodded, leaning across the blanket and kissing Halden lightly. "I love you so much. I can't wait to take your last name."

"I love you too," was Halden's response as he lay back on the blanket.

Kay drifted into silence and lay on his back as well after tossing another handful of peas in the direction of the pond. He closed his eyes and relaxed for a while, jumping slightly when a stick hit the floor beside his head.

When he looked up, a dog was leaning over him. Kay sat up again, picking up the stick and tossing it away from him, having to wipe the animal's drool from his hands onto his jeans.

This was perfect.

All of it.

Kay hoped more than anything that this would never change.

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