Chapter One.

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TW: anorexia, depression and bullying, self harm.

3rd POV:

Deceit, he is a liar. He awoken in his bed, his room was a mess. He swore he'd clean it later, but he never did. His hair a mess, dark circles. He slept for an hour. He knew he couldnt go near anyone with these dark circles. He grabbed his concealer and let it do its thing. They were barely visible but still visible.

Deceit changed into his regular outfit, always wearing long sleeves. They hide is dashes across his arms, and thighs. He consistently dashed on his shoulder and mid-arm. Never on his wrist; too noticeable. His thighs were his main choice, they were invisible. He sighed. He yawn, letting his split tounge (ya know how snakes have that forked tounge) he left his room when he heard his name being called from no other then Thomas.

"Why are you calling the Snake?" Roman snapped, Deceit heard as he appeared. "Were debating, we need him." Logan said. I smirked, "Well, I'm here." Deceit did his deceitful smiled, but behind it was a world of pain, "Sadly." Virgil said. He never understood why Virgil hated him so much. "Well, were arguing about if Thomas should lie to Joan that he took his book and ripped or not-" "He shouldn't lie! Thomas should tell Joan that he ripped the book by accident, the truth!" Patton interrupted Logan.

"Well, Joan might hate you if you dont lie. So I say lying." Deceit shrugged. Roman scoffed, "If he lies, what good would come!" he yells, Deceit winces, "Okay, the good would be; he won't get in trouble or possible arguement would be avoided." Deceit defended his point, "Oh my gosh. you dont care about Thomas! You only care for yourself." Virgil hissed.

Deceit looked at Thomas who was lost in thought, he wondered if Remus was bugging Thomas. "Thomas." Deceit snapped his fingers in front with him and Thomas looked at him with a 'hm?' Deceit sighed. "Well, who do you agree with so far?" Roman asked. He could sense Thomas lying, "You, I guess." Thomas shrugged.

Deceit sighed, "You know, he will get into an A R G U E M E N T if he tells Joan!" Deceit yelled at Roman, and Roman yelled back, "Oh please, its better to be honest." Roman yelled. And Patton agreed.

"Why do you care? You're the Villian here and the bad guy. No way are we trusting you! You're only here to hurt him! You're a disgrace of a side! Pathetic." Roman sputtered out in a fit of rage. Deceit held back the tears. Feeling his sinister smile fall.

"You're just jealous that you're a failure of a prince and a brother" Deceit was referring to him not being present and close to Remus as Deceit was. "I- NO! UNTRUE! YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS IM LIKED AND NOBODY CAN LIKE A FREAK LIKE YOU! ONLY WAY REMUS TOLERATES YOU IS BECAUSE YOURE THE ONLY DARK SIDE PRESENT-" Roman kept yelling words and hurtful phrases to Deceit. Deceit scanned the room, seeing Logans nodding head, Virgils cold stare, kinda shocked, and Pattons worried face. Thomas had left the room by now.

He heard Roman's words stop. "Oh." Deceit could only make out. "THATS ALL YOU CAN MAKE OUT?" Roman yelled again, causing Deceit to flinch. "U-Uhm.. Yeah, kinda. Seems like I'm not wanted." Deceit said, looking at his now interesting shoes. "You were never wanted." And with that, Deceit sunk down to his living room area. He saw Remy.

"I heard the chaos upstairs. Pretty fun to listen to." Remy smirked and Deceit rolled his eyes and went to his room.

[Dee's POV]

I cant believe that, that that happened. I'm now crying, like a freaking baby. I dont need to cry, I'm being a pussy. Roman is right. Remy and Remus dont even like me. I'm so unlikable. Maybe I can't relieve the pain for now.

I got to black, messy desk. I grab my trusty blade, now tinted a crimson. I pulled my sleeve up and made dashes along my skin. I felt the tears fall and the voices come.

Deceit, nobody likes you.
1 dash
Remus hates you.
2 dashes
Remy laughs at your stupidity.
3 dashes
Virgil left, only because of you.
4 dashes
You're worthless, a piece of used trash.
5 Dashes
You cant even dash correctly; or use the right term.
6 dashes
You're so fat, pig.
7 dashes
Why are you still breathing? Youre a waste of air and space.
8 dashes
Remus would have a better connection with Roman if you just.. dissapeared.
9 & 10 dashes.

I took a shaky breath, looking at the crimson spill out like a spilt cup of kool-aid. I can't believe I'm so pathetic, I'm a monster. I deserve my treatment. Nobody wanted me, I want to be the person they all think I am; emotionless. But no. They're breaking me. It's best I die and soon.

Everytime I wake up, I'm nothing and no one for another day. Why would I want to live in the world I see. I can be put to rest. Maybe it's the nagging of Remus' words, and as if right on cue, Remus knocked. I messily put makeup on my eye and nose and opened it, and it revealed a smiley Remus, which made me playfully smiled.

Remus jumped on my bed and I sat down on it with him, "What's up Rem?" I asked, and he smirked, "Well, Dee Dee, I missed my good ol' friends company. You havent talked to me in a few days, did I do something wrong?" Remus asked, worried. I feel my heart ache, I really made him feel like that? I'm a horrible person.. "O-Oh, No! I guess I've been busy for the past few days. I'm sorry Remus." I smiled, apologetically and he smiled back. "I heard the arguing and a few names Roman called you, are you okay?" Remus asked and I grew anxious. He could hear it? Does he hate me? Is he pitying me?!

"Dee?" I hear Remus asked, I realized I zoned out, "Oh sorry- Uh, no.. it doesnt affect me much. Thanks for worrying though." I lied, I mean, after all I am the liar; the bad guy. "Are you lying?" He asked, coldly. I frown, then smile, "Oh, No! I dont lie all the time." I say, "That's debatable." Remus mumbled, and I feel my heart shatter and my face fall. Why just for me can he smile?

I hear him clear his voice, "Anyways Dee Dee, I have a gift for you!" Remus smiled, and my heart melted. He was so kind and caring towards me, "Really? But now I feel bad. I dont have a gift for you.m" I groan at myself, and Remus shakes his head. "I'm not expecting any gift. Take this" Remus handed me a snake that was orange and had a aquarium.  I feel my face tinted, I place the snake around my neck and I hug Remus and hes taken back.

Remus hugs me tighter, "Thank you, so much, Remus.." I say, trying not to cry; I may seem baby. But I'm going through a bit right now, and he gave me a gift and it feels so.. special to me. I pull away, "I'll name him.. Rem, after you." I say, my human side tinted red a bit. "Awh, thank you, Dee Dee!" Remus said. We chatted for an hour and a half.

"Want to go bug Roman?" Remus asked, and I nodded. Why not? I go with Remus as we go to Roman's room. "Oooooh Rommmmaaann~!" Remus said, busting in and Roman groaned, "Whaaatt?!" He snapped, "Oh were totally not here to bug you." I say. "Hey, Fibber, go away I dont need you making my brother a monster." I frown,  "You're just jealousss" I say, with a hiss. "Jealous? Of you? A freak? Never!" He scoffs and Remus gives him a cold stare. "Whatever." I say, give him a middle finger.

We went back a few minutes later and Remus went to his room, and I wrote in my diary...

Dear diary,
Today was a bit better, Rem Rem gave me a snake, and I named him Rem after Remus. Hes a orange snake, like me. I love him so much.
The pain is gnawing at me, taking away what's left of my heart. These insults are hurting me so bad, I cant take much longer. My thoughts turned dark, my smile is so fake. I feel like crying and rushing to Remus for comfort but he'd think I'm a mistake as well, a dirty liar. Who could like me? I'm worthless, trash, bad, a manipulator. I want to dissapear.

- Dee.

A/N: 🥺

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