Chapter 4

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TW: Self Doubt, Panic attack.

DISCLAIMER: Got alot of the lyrics from "Explaining My Depression To My Mother; A Conversation."

3rd POV

Deceit nods, "Alright.. What do you need me for?" He crosses his arm, skeptical. "Uhm, Thomas friend- you overheard, right?" Logan said. Deceit nodded, "Obviously. What happened?" he asked in an annoyed tone, "Thomas thinks his friend needs help, but he can't. Promises. We know you're not the best to ask." Logan said, "I think we should tell a hotline, but act like it's his problem, and not hers." he said, "Not lying, technically because you guys have a problem with lies." He added.

"Huh, for once.. You make sense. We'll do that. You can leave now." Roman said, and Deceit rolled his eyes, "Yeepp.." and he slinked down to his room. He saw his yellow room. "Yellow is supposed to be happy.." he said. He watched a video one time and it said, "Happy is a decision." but, that means he resists that decision. That decision seems so far away and he always gets dragged down to his bed. He can never get to that happy. When can he get to that happy?! He needs it. He feels like hes drowning. He doesnt want to be labeled as the bad anymore. Its hurting him.

Deceit fell himself not being able to breathe, "W-Whats going on..?!" he said, gasping for breath. He cant seem to find his yellow room, the light had faded out, it looked like a messed up color wheel when you added black to your yellow and you have to deal with that. You hate it, it looked ugly but you can redo it, its paint. Permanent, you cant erase it or flip it over. What are you supposed to do? Mask it with a bright color. Red, Orange, Blue. But under it is a  sad mess. You cant fix what's underneath it, though it looks better, its getting better but it will still pain you when you see a spec of that ugly color. You cant get rid of it, you lost and ran out of paint. You're stuck in a place, that hurts.

Deceit cried, he wants to get rid of it, its not even covered, for him atleast. For others, it's a bright yellow, the yellow with red. The red that shows his imperfections, not matter how much he tries to cover it with yellow, he cant. It keeps blending with the yellow and it's now stuck in the yellow. You tried to wipe it off but it shows the ugly color. The color you hate. You will never get rid of it. It's always there when it gets peeled off and then its vulnerable, everyone can see the mess you really are. The mistakes and dissapointment you are. The dissatisfaction on their faces pains you. So you keep covering up with everything nice. Yellow. Yellow is always there, but yellow is so bright it can show every mistake if you're not careful. Yellow smudges. But everyone sees what you truly are.

The mess you are, the dissapointment you are. Nothing. But cover it up with Yellow.

Remus POV:

I was out with Remy and Emile, they were nice but when I got back, it was oddly quiet. I heard sniffing from Dee's room. Is he snorting crack? I knock on his door, "Dee? Can I come in?" I ask, no response. I knock 5 times, "Dee... Double D.. please?" no response. I fidget with his door and its unlocked? That's new. I see Deceit on the floor, fainted? Maybe he passed out. "Awh No!" I frowned and rushed towards Deceit and picks I up Bridal Style and sat him on his bed. "Sleep well~" I singsongly tell Dee. He has to have a name?

I leave to my room, Deceits been acting weird. He never wears his favorite shirts, tee shirts too. Maybe... Hes probably cold blooded. Yeah, hes not hurting? Right? He doesn't stay up until 3am watching Sports Channels? Right? That's my imagination. I don't hear sobs late at night begging for something good to happen. Hes incredible of making something out of nothing.

3rd POV

Deceit realized from when Virgil left, he learned to turn the anger into sadness, sadness into busy. But he cant do busy if he has no one to work for. He doesnt know Remus knows about his emotional release sobbing, or his different acting. But he doesnt know more. He will never.

Or Will He?

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I experienced writers block. I'm sorry this is shorter than usual, a good whopping 780. I am really sorry that it took me a week, it never does except my Hamilton book, shh. Bye Guys!

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