Chapter 1

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From the outside, it looked like it was going to be an ordinary day. The sun had yet to come up, but there was not a cloud in the sky. The weather was fair, as was to be expected in Last Seed. Most of Skyrim's people were just waking up for another menial day full of nothing exciting. Most, except for the residents of Helgen. If these people have not been awake for hours, then they sure were awoken when they heard the clattering of hooves as the carriage came down the path through the eastern gate. Despite the good weather, the prisoners in the carriage felt anything but good.

Awaiting in Helgen was General Tullius and his men. To his left was a man who has worked his way up the ranks in a surprisingly quick time. He started out as just another ordinary guard. Still, when he really started to witness what the war was doing to the land, he traveled all the way to Solitude and became a soldier in the Imperial Legion. Even though he left it behind him, a part of his soul never left Whiterun, and he always requested to be stationed near it as a constant protector. That garnered him the nickname, The Whiterun Knight. He was called it so much that most started to forget his real name was Rognvald, not that he minded. He was even allowed to break the Legion uniform to wear a Whiterun's guard helmet at all times.

As the carriage slowly rode in, all eyes were on the occupants. Besides two, every prisoner was a Stormcloak. That included Ulfric Stormcloak himself, the man for whom the rebellion was named after. The town was suddenly tense. A father instructs his son to go indoors before his innocents can be ruined. Before long, the carriages came to a halt, and the prisoners started to disembark.

Both carriages emptied, and the prisoners lined up as their names were called. One of the prisoners, a Nord by the name of Lokir, tried to make a run for it. He was shot down in an instant, the first to be executed. The second prisoner that didn't look like a Stormcloak was also an average Nord. He has long, dark hair that bleeds into his beard. He looked young, but his grey-green eyes seemed like he had seen all of the universe and been in every battle since the beginning.

"What is your name?" asks the Imperial with the list.

"Talos," the Nord replies.

"Right, and my name's Debella. What is your actual name?" the female guard to the right of the man with the list says.

"Why does no one believe that?" the Nord said under his breath. "Hjalti."

He also went to the lineup with all the other prisoners. General Tullius finally walked over to where he had been staring Ulfric down, gloating about finally catching him. The Whiterun Knight was standing off to the side, watching it all go down. Even though he didn't show it, he was rejoicing that this war was almost finally over. Honestly, he hated the Elves and was a Nord through and through, believing that people should worship whoever they wanted. The only reason he was so quick to join the Imperials was because his father knew the General. After all that went on, he needed someone he felt familiar with.

One Tullis was done with his speech, the priestess stepped in to bless these men who were about to be killed. Her blessing was cut short, though, by a man who apparently really wanted to die. She accepted this, albeit begrudgingly. Right before his head was cut off, he called out the Imperials for being such a disgrace. As his head rolled, the residents jeered the soldiers on both sides.

The one called Hjalti was called up next. This was interrupted by an odd noise in the distance. Ignoring it, a legionnaire called Hjalti forward again. Right as Hjalti was kneeling with his head on the chopping block, a dragon swooped in, landed on the top of a tower, and shouted down at him. In an instant, the entire town was thrown into chaos.

Dragons had not been seen in Skyrim for hundreds of years at this point. They were presumed to be dead. Yet here one was, burning down the entire town. The Whiterun Knight had to act fast. He got out his bow and started shooting, hoping that arrows would pierce scale. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the prisoner who was about to die getting helped up. He looked around for any sign of General Tullius. When he finally saw him, he ran over to give him his arrows, planning on getting the townsfolk to safety. He just got a child out of the house when the roof collapsed on him. The last thing he saw was Hjalti running towards the fort, talking to both an Imperial and Stormcloak.

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