Chapter 1

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The world was slowly coming back view, but the throbbing in the square-headed man's head matched the horse hooves. He tried to lift his hand to soothe the bump, only to notice his hands were bound in a rough rope. Blinking a bit more, he looked around to figure out where he was.

"Hey, you! You're finally awake," he turned his head to look at the blonde Nord speaking. "You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, the same as us, and that thief over there."

At that, the newly awoken man sluggishly turned his head to look at the other inhabitants of the carriage. Another Nord with a gag and a Wood Elf. The Wood Elf, who was dressed in rags, spoke up.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy," he said the last part quieter as if only saying it to himself. "If they hadn't been looking for you, I would have had stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there!"

The Wood Elf spoke up suddenly, directing all his attention unto the tired man, "You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

He wanted to agree with the elf but couldn't think of anything to say with his head still aching. Even if he did speak up, what use would it be? How were they going to get out of this? It's not like they could run without being shot in the back. Luckily, the blond Stormcloak spoke up before he could give himself any more of a headache.

"We are all brothers and sisters in binds now."

"Shut up back there!" the Imperial steering the carriage yelled back, causing the man with a headache to cringe.

The Wood Elf turned his attention to the gagged Nord sitting in front of him, questioning him.

"Watch your tongue! You are speaking to Ulric Stormcloak! The true High King!" the blond Nord said aggressively. The tired man knew he should have been more surprised, but, honestly, he really wanted to take a nap. Being awoken to all this talking after getting knocked out was really making his exhausted. The Wood Elf seemed to be coming to a conclusion that his mind couldn't quite grasp. That is until the blond Nord said the word "Sovengard". With that one word, the bound man lost all ideas of sleep as his body filled with adrenaline.

The horse thief immediately seemed to try and deny what was about to happen, but the Stormcloak just seemed to be defeated. The now very awake man took a quick glance to his right and saw Ulfric was starring right ahead. His posture didn't seem to be of defeat, but, from what everyone has said of Ulfric Stormcloak, the man has a lot of pride.

The world slowly started to get less snowy as someone treated General Tullius. As the carriage pulled into the town, the square-headed man could see the General on a horse's back, talking to Thalmor. Even with his imminent doom coming quicker and quicker, he had to admit, this was a nice town. He supposed there were worse places to die. He reasoned that at least his body will be found here as opposed to dying on the side of the road.

"This is Helgan. I used to be sweet on a girl here. I wonder if Vilod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in," the Stormcloak said. Yea, Helgan seems like a good as place as any to die in.

Soon enough, the carriage came to a stop. All the prisoners understood that it was time to disembark. One by one they were called to stand up to the block. The square-headed learned that the Stormcloaks name was Ralof, not that he would be needing to know that for much longer. Lokir, the horse thief, decided to make a run for it. He didn't make it far before being shot in the back. That was all he needed to see for him to decide his fate.

"Who... are you?" the Imperial soldier with the list asked. Our man thought for a minute that perhaps this was a sign that he could make it, but then looked over at Lokir's lifeless body and thought better of it. Looking straight into the eyes of the man, he gave his name.


"...right. Well, you picked a bad time to come home kinsman," the soldier with the list said. "Captain, what should we do? He's not on the list."

"Forget the list, he goes to the block."

"By your orders, Captian. I'm sorry. At least you'll die in your homeland. Follow the captain, prisoner."

Brick wasn't too surprised about being ordered to death. He suspected most people that set eyes upon him wanted to kill him on sight. Let's just say the name is fitting.

Once Brick stood in line with all the Stormcloaks, he saw General Tullius come over and talk directly to Ulfric Stormcloak. He would have been listening more if he actually cared and wasn't staring down the headsman. It's a bit hard to focus on outside conversations when you can see what will cause your death in a few minutes. He was broken out of his trance by a loud noise, though. Everyone else seemed to notice it, too, but continued on their way.

Their rights were being read to them, but some soldier decided to just get on with it, ending up being the first with his head chopped off. A few people gave their goodbyes to the soldier. Then, Brick was called forward to the block. Before he could even move though, the noise happened again.

"To the block prisoner, nice and easy," the Imperial with the list told him. There was something sort of soothing about that man. Were he not about to die, Brick would have loved to meet that man at a tavern and hear him tell tails of his service.

Brick laid his head on the block, watching the headsman lift his weapon high above his head. Instead of it coming down and cutting his head off, Brick could have sworn he saw a dragon.

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