Chapter 4

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The early morning sun glinted off an empty tankard and directly into Brick's eyelids. He squinted a bit before blearily opening them. Trying to collect his thoughts, he looked around and saw that the house was empty. Everything from the past few days came back to him. He stood with a groan, wandering over to the window and looking out. The sun could be seen fully but was still low to the horizon. It made sense that everyone would be up early, with Gerdur and Hod owning a cow and a mill, and Ralof being military. Even their child was probably an early riser.

Brick turned around to the table to grab some food before he left for Whiterun. He didn't want to take anything that was expensive or very filling, so he took an apple and a loaf of bread. They were already very generous to give him a roof over his head last night and the supplies for the road in his bag.

Stepping outside, Brick was hit with a gust of cool, fresh air. He started to make his way down the path onto the main road and would follow the signs to get to Whiterun. If he remembered the land correctly from when he was a child, it shouldn't be very far from here. Once on the main road, he turned right, past the inn, and towards the stone bridge outside of the town. The sign near the bridge confirmed that he was going in the correct direction of Whiterun.

It was a nice walk. The sun was shining, Brick saw a few deer and rabbits along the way, and the steady sound of the stream was creating a nice ambiance. He reached a curve in the path and he could see a giant wall with an even bigger Castle standing inside. Brick assumed that that must be Whiterun.

As he made his way down the path, he heard some talking and many footsteps. Slowing down, he peeked around a tree and saw three Imperial soldiers walking with a prisoner down the path. Brick froze where he was and didn't dare make a noise for the fear that he would get in trouble with them again. He waited for a bit, watching them make their way down the path and out of sight. He waited for a few more minutes after that just to make sure that they were gone. Brick was thinking about the Prisoner. Was that a Stormcloak from the execution yesterday that didn't get to escape? Maybe the Stormcloaks had it right. Brick hadn't even been in Skyrim in Skyrim for a week and already the Imperials had tried to kill him.

Finally moving away from the tree, Brick continued on his path to the outskirts of Whiterun. There was a meadery and a bunch of farms, all being patrolled by various guards. Further down the road, Brick felt the ground shake. Every part of his body froze up, fearing another dragon attack. When the ground shook again, he saw a plume of dust out of the corner of his eye. Fully turning his head to see what was happening, he noticed a Giant in the middle of some farmland. There was a group of people fighting it. Brick didn't know how much he could help out, but he started to walk over. Before he could summon any magic, though, there was a voice behind him.

"Do not fear! For I, the Whiterun Knight, has this situation under control!"

A Whiterun guard ran past him, his sword out and he sprinted full speed at the giant. Brick stood there, completely caught off guard. The Whiterun guard slashed at the giant's ankles, causing the monster to look at him and raise his club above his head.

"Look out!" a red-haired Nord yelled at the guard, pushing him out of the way just as the club his where the guard used to be standing.

The two other people that were fighting stabbed at the giant while it was hunched over. The giant eventually fell to his knees and then fell over. The fight was won.

"See? Didn't I saw the situation was under control? Another win for the Whiterun Knight!" the knight declared as he was getting up.

Brick was still just standing watching the whole thing. The other fighters looked at each other and shook their heads. The red-head noticed Brick first and walked up to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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