Chapter 3

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Once they stepped outside, Ralof pulled Brick down to the ground as the dragon flew over their heads. They both watched as the dragon flew off, seemingly for good. Slowly, they both stood up.

"There he goes. Looks like he's gone for good this time. No way to know if anyone else made it out alive, but this place is going to be swarming with Imperials soon enough. We'd better clear out of here," Ralof looked all around as if to make sure that they were truly alone. Once he seemed satisfied, he started down the dirt path that lead to the main stone one. "My sister Gerdur runs the mill in Riverwood, just up the road. I'm sure she'd help you out. It's probably best if we split up. Good luck. I wouldn't have made it without your help today."

Brick thought about his words for a second before shaking his head and signaling that he wanted to follow Ralof down the road. Ralof didn't protest as he started to move a bit faster. Whether it was still the adrenaline from nearly dying or the new fear of being caught, it didn't matter. They only made it a few more feet before Ralof started to talk again.

"You know, you should go to Windhelm and join the fight to help free Skyrim. You've seen the true face of the Empire in Skyrim here today. If anyone will know what the coming of the Dragon's mean, it's Ulfric."

Brick thought that seemed reasonable. He didn't get to know the man that well with everything that just happened, but who would know better than the man that could shout? Then there was the whole aspect of the war... Brick missed a lot when he was away. He was only just now coming back, having gotten a letter than his mother had passed away and he was in charge of the family land. Less than twelve hours ago, he thought he would have crossed the border and ended up living the rest of his days in the house he grew up in. Never in a million years would he have imagined that he would have been almost executed, or saved from said execution by a dragon. Brick was so deep in thought, he almost walked into Ralof, who had stopped in front of him.

"You see that ruin up there? Bleak Falls Barrow. I never understood how my sister could stand living in the shadows of that place. I guess you get used to it," he said with a shrug, but his body was stiff enough to give away his discomfort when thinking about the place.

They walked around a bend in the path. At the other end was a platform that had three big, smooth stones. Ralof slowed his walk down as they approached them, and looked at them with revere.

"These are the guardian stones. Three of the 13 standing stones that dot Skyrim's landscape. Go ahead, see for yourself," Ralof made a motion with his hand for Brick to approach them. Brick vaguely remembered his father talking about these stones when he was a child. They had magical abilities, each one unique that could help a person out in the harsh landscape. Brick had never actually seen any of the stones as a child but was fascinated with them, always wanted to hear stories that his father could come up with about adventurers.

Brick looked at the stones for a few seconds. There was one that depicted a rogue, one that showed a wizard, and the last had the carving of a warrior. Brick knew instantly which one he wanted. There was a blinding beam of light that went into the sky, and the stone lit up, creating a constellation.

"Mage eh? Well to each his own. It's not for me to judge," Ralof said in a calm tone. He started back down the road, not even looking behind him to see if Brick was still following. "Remember, this isn't Stormcloak territory. If we are ahead of the news from Helgen, we should be fine. As long as we don't do anything stupid. If we run into any imperials, just let me do the talking, alright?" he spoke over his shoulder. If he was about to say anything else, it was cut off by a howl.

Three wolves came down a little hill, and immediately pounced on Ralof. Brick summoned the fire and aimed it at the wolf that was farthest away from Ralof. Ralof took his axe out and started to hack at the two that were trying to bite him. It didn't take long before all three wolves laid on the ground, unmoving. Ralof put his axe back on his belt and Brick walked forward to step on the fire that was still burning the wolf's pelt.

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