c h a n g e s

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It's been..... more than a while. I think it serves me right for all of you to be annoyed and probably have ditched this book by now.

Let me explain: When I was writing How He Fell and I impulsively made up Tiana, I had so much planned for her suddenly. I felt myself falling in love with who I had created her to be and I was so giddy, so excited for her book. I thought I'd be able to be so productive and write her story and share it and make something of it.

Then suddenly when How He Fell ended, so did my motivation to write her book. Suddenly all those ideas I had became nothing but dust and I didn't know what to do. I published the chapters I had written before all that inspiration left. That's what you guys read.

That's why I was gone. I didn't know how to write her book. And then it hit me.

Literally like two minutes ago.

I can't write the book in her point of view. I don't have a grasp on her, on who she is as a person— which is weird because I feel like I do... I just can't write it or put it into words. But for some insane and completely unsensable (that's not a word, I made it up ehehehe) reason, I feel like I know Reese. I feel like I could make something of him. I feel like there was potential with him.

So if you haven't guessed it yet.... I'm changing the book.

I mean I'm not like CHANGING changing it. I promise it's still the same people, same story. I just feel like I'd be able to write it better in Reese's point of view. From his view of when Tiana left.

So the chapters currently up will be CHANGING. I'm starting this book from scratch you could say, but not exactly. You might find some of the already published chapters staying in the book as different chapters or maybe not. I shall see.

I want this book to be his.

Not hers.

Don't worry though! It will still have her undeniable presence and occasional point of view, but it will be more of Reese's story than hers.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

I've never written in a guy's perspective, but I also feel like I know Reese's emotions and that I can write him a story. The story will still be theirs.

Reese and Tiana's.

But it won't just be Tiana's thoughts.

I'm hoping I can really do something with Reese being the narrative. I'm really excited!

So watch out for the FIRST CHAPTER sometime later this week!

Once again, I'm back!

~ Shay


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