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Thankyou all so much! It means heaps to me that u guys r reading my stories. Now, as promised, my new chapt. Thanks:)

The day it happened, it was raining. Not just raining, pouring. Big fat wet drops from the sky. It had been raining for three days and we hadn't ventured out once.

I was five weeks old and getting stronger every day but I still had the occasional (and frequent) fall. I was going to have to rely on my legs very soon.

Anyway, it was pouring down with rain and the wind was screaming, screeching past the house, but since we were sheltered, my mother, father and I only felt the occasional spray.

When the almost invisible sun (I learnt what the source of light was) shone weakly above our heads, the rain eased and mother and father were confident enough that it was safe to go out for a short hunting trip, as we were all hungry.

They cautiously poked their heads out of the hole before trotting out and diving into the grass that I had discovered on my first adventure.

As I knew they would be gone a while, I tried to amuse myself under the foundations of the house. First, I played with bugs and mice, but it got boring when I realised I had little chance of catching them, as the bugs flew away and the mice ran quicker than my uncoordinated paws could chase them. So, then, I explored and found interesting smells and dead things that still had no name to me. But that too got boring, and painful, when I accidentally trod on a sleeping hedgehog. Ouch. I limped back to the hole and as I lay, nursing my injured paw, a crack of lightning turned everything black and white. My heart thudded wildly in my chest and my pupils dilated with fear of the unknown. How was I to know that this was lightning and that was thunder at my young and uneducated age?

I settled back down when I felt sure the sky wasn't going to unleash its fury again. I slept.


I woke when the sun had definitely gone to sleep. Surprisingly, most of the rain making dust (which I now know as clouds) had disappeared and all that was left were a few stray pieces and of course, the stars. I wriggled and flipped over, hoping to find my mother and father there. They weren't! I bolted up and consequently banged my head on the roof of the den. I shook out the dust from my fur and proceeded out of the hole and straight outside, no fear, expecting them to be there, feasting on their catch. Emptiness, darkness and the smell of damp were the only things that came to me. I mewed softly. No answer. I tried again, louder this time. still nothing. I began to panic. I mewed and mewed again and again. Nothing, nothing, NOTHING! Then a thought struck me. They might just be out hunting at night because isn't that when animals come out. Looking back at this thought now, I realise how dumb I was. But, to me at the time, the thought was a good one, so I kept to it, went inside and slept. Again.


The sky was streaked pale pink and grey when I next woke. Again I rolled over, knowing they would be there, my parents. Terror slapped me, hard, in the face when realisation sank in. GONE! No mother, no father, no milk, no bits of mice. I raced outside and mewed as loudly as I could. The only answer was a bellow from a nearby cow. I sat down in despair. I was hungry, cold and tired for I had dreamt of mother and father, lost and I had scared myself awake.

I had a bad feeling about this...

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