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Iren pov's
woke up again by the alarm clock, and got out of bed, I checked my phone to see if there was any news: 5SOS IN L.A? ASHTON IRWIN SPOTTED AT EXCELLENT CLUB. I knew they lived in L.A, but I've never seen them anywhere. with that news I walk down, Anna is sitting at the table as usual, this time I ignore her. after breakfast I changed, this time a pop punk style.
The outfit:

 I had 3 minutes before Femke was at the door, I already put on my shoes, and walk outside, with my school bag and work bag, to leave school immediately i work at the bowling alley, something i love to avoid my parents and Anna

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I had 3 minutes before Femke was at the door, I already put on my shoes, and walk outside, with my school bag and work bag, to leave school immediately i work at the bowling alley, something i love to avoid my parents and Anna. good morning Femke says to me, I do not respond, I am still angry with Anna. what is it? Femke says, my parents also say that I have to pay for Ian's t-shirt myself, but I don't make much money at the bowling alley. oh, you might be able to sing on the street, you know nearby that restaurant and hotel, Femke says back, meanwhile we have already arrived at school, yes I can say back.

we started the day with english, this time Fabian luckily said nothing. during the lesson someone knocks on the door, the principal, but there are still people next to it, a girl, omg she has the same style as me! finally someone who has a good style! this is Maya, she will be in your class from now on, together with her twin brother Alex. he is handsome says femke, I nodded, he was indeed handsome! the first boy in the whole school to be handsome! there was still a spot available next to me and Femke. sit down there says mister jackson, Maya had to sit next to us, she seemed nice to me, we introduced each other and soon found out that Maya likes the same bands as me. The bellrings, I say goodbye to Maya and we exchange our numbers. and I walk to the school exit.

I have to walk about 10 minutes to the bowling alley, I don't mind walking, because I walk through the park with flowers, I was almost there until I saw Michael clifford, the michael clifford of 5SOS. I tried to act as normal as possible and walked on quietly, he was on the phone so I didn't want to disturb him. arrived at the bowling alley, I walked on to the lunch area, to tell Liv, Liv also worked at the bowling alley and was my colleague for today, I ran into Michael Clifford! who is that Liv asks, what the hell don't you know who Michael Clifford is !? the guitarist in 5SOS. yes i don't listen to those bands. oh okay i say. it is quite busy so I went to work. it was 7 pm and my work was done for today.

I walked home, and I was almost home until I saw Fabian. hey honey, are you coming home with me? No and don't bother me, he walks up to me and takes my wrist and presses me against a wall. I tried to break free, but it didn't work he was holding me tight. I kicked his balls and ran home as fast as possible, tears streaming down my cheeks. when I got home, I immediately went upstairs, and Anna immediately followed me.why did you hurt fabian bitch, he called me. I didn't do anything, he touched me, it's self defense. I immediately walk to my room and slam the door shut.

the same every evening, tomorrow is Saturday that means weekend. so everyone is at home, but luckily Anna goes out to the club Excellent in the evening. then she comes home late and is drunk, I am not surprised when she comes home with another boy. it is late, so I put on some music again, and +44, when your heart stops beating is the first song. then I slowly fell asleep

Sooo another update! If you guys have any tips let me know! And what do you guys think of C.A.L.M?
X Kim

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