Riker Your First Fight

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Riker had only just gotten in from being away all day.He picked up his jacket "Bye Gotta Go." He smiles walking back out "Riker?!" You snap "What?! I have to go." He huffed "Yes,just like you always do!." You shout at him "whatever just shut up!." He hisses "No you shut up!." You say as he suddenly slapped you across your face "T-that's it RIKER ANTHONY LYNCH GET OUT OF MY HOUSE,WE ARE DONE!." You whimper in pain "I-I never meant to!." He says feeling bad

Rikers POV
It's been like 4 days! Y/N hasn't spoken to me she hasn't even called it text! What have I done?! I called her one last time and she anwsers "Baby! I'm so so sorry!." I say "I miss you! I love you!." I say once again "come to my house." She says putting the phone down...
I went to her house and she ran into my arms hugging me tight wow I missed that."I love you Riker!." She said "I love you too! And I'm sorry!." I say she just smiled and we shared a passionate kiss.

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