Chapter 15- Sparks Fly

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........ (a few pages before this have been omitted)..........

 Andre blinked, as if the answer were obvious.

            “Because she’s cute?”

            “You can’t be serious.”

            “I mean,” Andre explained, waving his hands in an attempt to reason it out. “She just… I don’t know. She’s pretty and blonde. She’s shallow and snooty and selfish, but in a good way.”

            “In a good way,” Vincent snorted.

            “Well — no — she knows she’s horrible. She’s probably the most horrible girl in school and she walks around all proud of it. I guess that’s a bad thing, but I totally understand how she turned out this way. Our parents are kind of similar.”

            “So you like her because you’re similar?”

            “No, our pasts are similar.” Andre stared at the ground as he tried to put the pieces together. “Our personalities are totally different. I probably couldn’t be like her even if I tried. She—”

            Andre’s eyes widened.


            He quickly shut his mouth.

            Vincent smirked. “Did you realize something?”

            “No, nothing!” Andre mechanically laughed as he sprang off of the ground. “I’m going to go find Annie now. Bye!”

            He heard Vincent chuckle as he dashed away, but it was worth it. He’d rather die than tell that guy what he’d just discovered.

            She, Andre thought to himself, his face growing hot, she’s so arrogant I can’t take my eyes off of her.

            He stiffened and shook his head. Whoa, slow down there, brain. It was just a crush. Just a way to pass the time. Anything more wasn’t possible. Think about it. Him, Andre Jackson, falling in love with—

            He skidded to a stop.

            Falling in love?

            Did he just say falling in love?

            “NOOO I’VE TURNED INTO A GIRL!” Andre wailed, earning several alarmed stares from the shoppers passing by.

            I’m not that into her, Andre’s head screamed as he started sprinting again. I’m not that into her, I’m not that into her, I’m not that into her!  I’M NOT THAT INTO HER, SO STOP THINKING ABOUT HER ALREADY, BRAIN!


Aaaand you can read the rest in the book >:) Available in paperback and ebook!

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