Chapter 2

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I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock and groggily sat up wiping my eyes and trudging into the shower and letting the hot water wake me. After a longer shower then usual, and walked into my wardrobe flicking the light on and choosing something to wear. 

Summer in Australia is like being trapped in an oven with the occasional breeze, so i flicked on a plain white cheap monday t-shirt and some denim wash shorts and skipped down stairs to where my brother was in the kitchen making coffee. 

I smiled and plopped down on one of the bar stools, he chucked an apple in my direction and I happily took a crunch out of it. 

"Well aren't we chipper this morning." Gary said pouring a two cups of coffee and handing me one of them. 

"Woke up on the right side of the bed." I winked taking a sip of my coffee. 

After I'd finished my coffee I went upstairs to my bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly, grabbed my iPhone off the table and into my short pocket. 

"Have a good day Mia!" Gary called as i shoved my bikini along with my books into my bag and took off out the door and put my earphones in my ears, humming along to the tune of Ed Sheeran and inhaling deeply letting the light breeze tousle my waves. It wasn't long before I was joined by Daisy who ripped an earphone out of my year and smiled broadly.

"What are we so happy about?" I asked her returning her smile.

"Yesterday!" She squealed.

We arrived at school after she filled me in all about her day yesterday, and how harley said he would teach her how to skate if she wanted, she wasn't sure if he was asking her out or not, but she was happy. 

"is that....." I rolled my eyes and turned to my locker closing the door harder than necessary,

"trust Tori to already have her hooks in him." Daisy said rolling her eyes at the sight of her dangling off Noahs arm.

He smiled in my direction and i have him a half hearted smile before getting a devilish sneer from Tori. Bitch. 

"Just think Mia, he'll realise what a bitch she is soon, and then he'll come to his senses." 

I groaned taking one last glance in their direction, "What? Just like Dylan?" 

Dylan was my ex boyfriend, Tori had fancied him while we were going out and snatched him up with her claws, resulting in them sleeping together. He told me a week after they did it, i dumped him before he could say sorry. Ever since then my hatred for her gets stronger at everything she does, and the feeling is mutual. Now I just hold my chin high, and return her stupid remarks, she wasn't the brightest light bulb. 

"What do you have?" Daisy asked me snapping me out of memory lane, 

"Oh umm," I flicked to my time table, really world? really? "I have P.E and ancient history...with him" I shot a finger of my shoulder. 

I walked out of the change rooms, oh the joys of having P.E with a class where you knew no body, well apart from Noah and Tori of course. 

I spotted them over by the net, his arm slinked around her waist and her happily chatting to him. after being sorted into teams, this time i was in Noah's and Tori was on the other side of the net. Should be interesting.

"Hows your head?" I hear someone ask from behind me, not bothering to turn around to face him I replied, "Yeah good." 

He chuckled and came to stand beside me, "Isn't she great?" He asked looking over at Tori, i rolled my eyes.

"Yep." I said walking to the back of the court, he turned with a confused expression before joining me at the back. Ugh. 

"Are you not friends with her?" He asked me, his honey comb eyes pouring into mine as i glanced at his perfectly sculpted face. 

I shook my head, "No not really, we don't really see eye to eye." 

"oh alright, well come on, time to improve your volley ball skills!" He pushed me forward gently, i couldn't help but laugh at how embarrassing this is going to get.

It was last period and me and Dais were in art, 'painting a dream' as Mrs Coulder called it, mine just came out as a boy and a girl holding hands by the beach. After holding back more giggles at Daisy's attempt to draw herself surfing the bell rang and we bolted out the door, wasting no time to go to our lockers and try and get a surf in before we had to get ready for Des Gilmores party. 

We jog ran to my house and grabbed two surf boards, undressing quickly and throwing on our bikinis. The sun was still in the sky, shining brightly, so we had probably 2 hours, that might seem like a lot. but while you're out there, time flys. 

The beach was pretty blown out, but we managed to catch a few until things got too wild. Daisy wanted to stay out a little longer, but i retreated back to the sand and stuck my board in the group, laying down on the sand and soaking up the last of the sunset. 

"Dude we're too late, the suns pretty much gone!" I heard a manly voice say, matching the sound of Noahs. 

"yeah but didn't you see those chicks out there before! they were shredding it, and it's not that dark yet! Come on, half an hour dude." the other boy replied, i got up until i was leaning on my elbows and peered to the side of my board to see Noah and Harley arguing. 

"You can probably get half an hour out there!" I called over to them. Noah must have recognised me because he smiled and came over.

"Ah so you surf then?" He asked me checking out my board, well my brothers, daisy was on mine. 

I laughed hopping up and dusting the sand off my legs, noticing Noahs eyes trailing down my body as i did so. 

"Yeah, my brothers crazy about it" I told him, his eyes finding mine. 

"Oh sweet," He looked up at the sky, "Well, i don't think it'll be worth a surf now." 

"Do you know what the time is?" I asked him glancing back at the ocean where Daisy was sitting on her surf board chatting happily to Harley. 

"Uh, 5:30" He replied glancing at his watch. 

"Shit." I muttered spinning around and calling for Daisy to come out.

Noah looked at me questioningly before i explained, "we have a party to go to" 

"ohh, is that Des Gilmores?" He asked, I nodded, "looks like I'll see you there then" He told me before we were joined by Daisy and Harley. 

"Come on Daisy, we have to get ready for Des' party." I looked over at Noah, "See you there." 

After a quick wave Daisy joined me and we headed off towards my house, after about 5 minutes of none stop 'he's so gorgeous, did you see the way his hair swayed in the breeze" we arrived at my house, quickly putting the boards in the garage and racing towards the showers. 

After a short shower we both rummaged through my closet before choosing an outfit each, i must admit, we looked hot. 

A/N the party chapter will come up tomorrow xx 


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