Chapter 4

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"Mia!" Noah called my name for the 3rd time today, and again for the 3rd time i trudged in the other direction, desperate for him not to follow me.

Last night, i cared for nothing, again I'm blaming the alcohol, and shared a heated moment with him. Not only is he dating someone, but he is dating Tori!

I wouldn't say I was 'popular' but me and Daisy weren't exactly not popular....if that makes sense? Okay, there are sort of two popular groups, which me and Daisy call the sluts (Tori's gang) and us. Along with all the other groups in our year.

After going through the woodwork rooms and across the library I lost him,

iMessage Daisy

Come to library steps ASAP, x

After a few minutes Daisy came around the corner,

"Whats up buttercup?" She asked plopping down on the step next to me.

"Thats 3 times" I told her, She rolled her eyes.

"He obviously cares about what happened then!" She said,

"Or he wants to tell me how big of a mistake it was!" I exclaimed, "Plus Dais, I cheated with him!!"

She sighed, "Well looks like you'll find out now, speak of the devil" She stood up, "See you at lunch"

I looked at her confused before my eyes flickered over to a masculin figure, Noah. I inwardly groanded and shot Daisy a glare for not warning me.

She mouthed goodluck and stalked off.

"Yes Noah, I know what a 'big mistake' it all was, I'm sorry it happened and can we just blame the alcohol? I mean it's not like she has to know right? it was a one off thing, and we didnt have sex or anything, just two friends sharing a kiss no big deal right?" I told him, my thoughts errupting through my mouth.

I looked at Noah who had a blank look on his face, almost as if he was trying to figure out what to say.

"Couldn't agree more."

I gave a relieved sigh, "well glad that's settled, friends?" I stretched my hand out, he gave me a toothy grin before taking my hand and shaking it.

"I kinda need to go, but see you around!" I told him.

"Yeah see you around Mia."

I went in search for Daisy before I bumped into someone, sending their container of salad straight into their face.

"Shit, I'm so sorrry!" I looked up to see an overly pissed off Tori covoured in salad dressing, lettuce caught in strands of her hair.

She flicked the tomato seed off the tip of her nose and let out a high pitch squeal and within seconds one of her minions was by her side with a napkin, wiping the remains of her 'cake to salad' face off.

"You better watch your back Mia." She shot daggers at me with her ocean blue eyes, I smirked before noticing her fake eyelash half falling off.

"I wouldnt be smiling if i were you bitch." Minion one known as Chealsea warned me, pointing a long finger in my direction.

"I wouldn't be applying my own makeup if i were you, you look like you head butted the sun." With that i turned around and walked off in search of Daisy. Boy was high School a bitch.


"So what happened?!" Daisy squealed as we sat down at the edge of one of the school fountains. I sipped on my ice chocolate before responding, "We agreed to stay friends and that's the end of it. Now can we stop talking about him and move onto another subject like...that boy I saw you swap spit with?"

She blushed and for the rest of the lunchtime she explained how she and 'Tom' had been texting since the party and he wants to catch up with her on Friday night.

The bell for 6th period rang and I trudged to gym, this was the class Noah AND tori were in. Thank god for Veronica and Bella were in this class too. They were two of my friends from 'the group'

You see my group was quite big, girls and boys included and we don't always sit together. We're just known as the bondi crew, which long story short started when the I dated a 'bondi boy' back in 8th grade. Our relationship ended shortly after our official group was formed, but me and Troy are still good friends. You wonder why it ended? Troy has more than his clothes in his closet...but shh, only I know.


I headed into the bathroom and slipped on my plain white t shirt and black running shorts and shoes. I took a quick look in the mirror, oops you could see my bright pink VS bra vaguely through the t shirt. Oh well it's not like we're swimming today anyway?

I headed out of the change rooms, and went over to where some of my class were listening in to our teacher. I stood next to Noah and we exchanged brief smiles before I was shoved aside by tori. I simply rolled my eyes and her behavior and tried to listen on what we were supposed to be doing. Something about a soccer ball and...I couldn't listen properly as all I could hear were Tori's giggles. I finally looked over and saw Noah whispering something into her ear. She bit her lip seductively and whisper something back. Hmm wonder what they're talking about? *note the sarcasm*

About 15 minutes into our soccer game, I was puffed and went over to the bubbler on the edge of the field. I took a light sip and straightened back up to see tori and Chelsea headed my way, oh this can't be good.

They both stopped in front of me, I pretended not to notice taking a last sip of water and turning around.

"Hey Mia!" Tori called, I spun around.

"What do you want?" I asked.

She scoffed, "you might want to wear a darker shirt next time."

I stared down at my top, a faint pink outline of a bra was on display.

"Oh grow up would you tori? It's a bra not a sex tape." I mocked.

I laughed and turned back around before I felt my back being drenched in water, I turned on my heels and my front was soaked a few seconds later. Chelsea and tori stood there laughing, clutching their now empty water bottles to their stomachs.

I looked down at my completely see through top. You could see the bright pink bra, and the shirt clung to my body. Feeling embarrassed and self conscious I gave them the finger and walked towards the change rooms.

"Woah woah Mia where are you going?" Tori called standing next to the teacher. Apparantly the game was on a break and they all were staring at me.

Me. Soaked in a white t shirt and a pink bra. After a few wolf whistles I ran for the bathrooms and got changed. I decided on skipping the rest of gym. That bitch will get her Revenge. Just you wait.

A/N: hey hey everyone ! So id like to know if anyone actually reads this, so comment what you think and vote! If I get 5 votes I'll update within the next

Few days.

Mili xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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