I've got tagged again by my friend Izzy!
her question was;
1. what's your favourite colour?
2. what's your favourite song?
3. laptops or phones?
4. did you sneeze all the time?
5.when's your birthday?
6.would you prefer single or taken?
7.which TMNT from 2012 character is your favourite?
8.what's your favourite food?
9.what mythical and legendary creatures are your favourite?
10.social or antisocial?
11.who's your best friend in Wattpad?
12.which elements would you probably take?
13. and finally...... are you okay?
2. depends on my mood, rn it's ' BORN WITHOUT A HEART'
3. both
4. no... I don't... think so?
5. 24 March 2005
6. uh... single and never available
7. LEONARDO cuz I could relate a lot to him.... besides being a ninja mutant and have a dad rat...
8. again depends on my mood... I usually don't know what I want or like...
9. a griffin and a mermaid
10. antisocial....
11. @Sitikus_99 and @Fan_FictionGirl1...
12. fire... they bring power and destruction! muahahaha!
13. *laugh nervously* w-why would you- of course! I'm fiiiinneee! definitely! perfectly perfect! hahaha
14. TAG! YOUR IT! * runs away*
I Think that's enough
y'all dun have tah do it if ya dun wan to
my questions are
1. What is the silliest thing you have heard people say about you?
2. Do you have any ridiculous goals in life?
3. What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
4. What cartoon do you still like to watch?
5. What was your favorite fairy tale growing up?
6. If You Could Star In A Movie, What Movie Would It Be?
7. What's the one thing you cannot live without?
8. What do you want your final words to be?
9. in your definition, what does 'i'm fine' mean?
10. what is your most hate/unliked chores to do?
11. if you could be in a cartoon what cartoon would it be?
13. what is our most favourited fandom and why?
14. would you cry if one of the characters in your fandom dies?
15. and last, meme test, " I'd die for you"/ "this bitch is empty!"

Transformers random / stuff / oneshot attempt
HumorRandom stufff / oneshots and etc like pics and stuff included tfp, tfrb, tfrba and more!!