okk since i broke my phone and now currently using my mom computer, i have no idea how to take the photo and put it here so imma just write all the question kay?
1) do you care what others think of you?
tbh yes but i try not to show it
2)middle name?
I don't think I have one of those...
3)favorite sport?
hmmm lets see.... badminton I guess?
4)best friends?
rl Izzatul & fiqq( they do have an account but they didn't want me to know cuz they write story for 18+ and afraid that i might read it and quote on quote "lose my innocence") in wattpad tho
Sitikus_99 Fan_FictionGirl1 TFPSUPERFAN TFP-HoneyBee-IG
5)someone you couldn't live without?
my mother, litterally
oksigen, food, water: =_=
6)favorite name/nickname others call you?
Alya, Leya, annoying bitch, Bella, Nur.... etc... tho i hate almost all of them. i preferred to be called by my name that is given to me by my mother.
7)are you more cute or sexy?
I don't think I'm qualified for either of those...
8)what are your preferred pronouns?
she, her, Sis...
9) have you ever been asked out?
surprisingly yes, a couple of times which doesn't make sense at all.
10)do you believe int true love/soulmate
11) what are your top three pet peeves?
double faced people
12)do you consider yourself as an emotional person?
yes. but try not to show it or be one.
13)words you say often?
shut-up. so . shit.
14) a pic of urself
must I?
ughh... fine
but i don't have a current photos so this is from a year back...
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. this gonna answer for question 15 too. i'm the middle one. the boy in the front is my lil bro bro Adam , and to the side is my cousin Stefan.
15)a pic of you and someone else? ^
16)fave hobby?
reading. doodling.
17)role model?
hmmm....I.. don't have one...
18)who is the best person you personally know?
does family counts?
20) tag 20 people
ok there twenty
now those been tagged. ya dont have to do it cuz, well you dont have to if you dont want to so yeet!

Transformers random / stuff / oneshot attempt
HumorRandom stufff / oneshots and etc like pics and stuff included tfp, tfrb, tfrba and more!!