Chapter 5: A Big Mistake

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,, Y/N let's go! I called Jin that we come over.'' My heartbeat raced. As fast as I could, I took out a cute outfit and ran down the stairs. In the car it was silence until we reached Jin's big house. Namjoon knocked at the door and not one minute later, a reallyyy handsome, black haired boy opened. He smiled when he saw Namjoon. ,, NAMJOONIE!!'', he yelled and jumped in his arms. Namjoon hugged Jin tight and I could see red shimmer on his cheeks. Jin kissed his forehead before he let go and stood back. Ew.. this gay shit again.. ,, Oh hey, you need to be Y/N. I'm Jin, we've met before right?'' ,,Yeah uh h-hey ...'', I said nervous. Jin chuckled. I blushed. ,, Anyways wanna come in?'' We nodded and followed Jin. ,, Taehyung!! We have guests!'', The handsome Jin yelled and I could hear footsteps. ,, Oh who is i-'', he stopped when he saw me. He just stood there and stared at me. So I stared back. His body was so perfect. I mean his soft skin... his wonderful red lips, his hips!! And of course his huge huge huge... WAIT NO. I had a job to do, which was giving back this mans ID.

"Here's your ID, since you dropped it in Moonbucks and blocked me when I tried to DM you", I said sarcastically. This bitch had the audacity to thank me after, pretending like he didn't block me in cold blood just a day ago. I simply smiled at him, not revealing my true thoughts. In the corner of my eye, I watched Jin and Namjoon discuss some random topic. Whilst Jin seemed completely calm, Namjoon, on the other hand, was a mess. The way he was blushing and fidgeting made it seem like it was WAY more than just a hookup. Damn, who knew dick could change someone this much? My curiosity got the best of me, so I approached them. "Joonie, it's ok, you can tell me", I heard Jin reassure a blushing Namjoon. A normal person would've probably realized that this is a bad time to intervene, but I wasn't normal. I was quirky. Without a care in the world I strutted up to them both. "Hey Jin? Could you come with me for a sec? I need to show you sumn." Jin reluctantly looked away from Namjoon and said: "I'm kinda busy right now, can you wait?" I shook my head and pulled him out of the room. "Y/N what are you doing?", he asked nervously. I smirked. "Remember those videos we watched in class? Yeah, let's do that." Jins expression grew from nervous to horrified, but before he could decline I locked the door behind us and pushed him on the bed. "Might as well enjoy it", I heard him mumble from beneath me. I paid him no mind and stripped him of all of his clothes. Whilst I did the same he wouldn't even look at me. Was I that ugly? Whatever, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. Then he HAS to pay attention to me. I then did the deed. For a first time it was pretty enjoyable I guess, definitely could see why Joon enjoyed it so much. I looked back at Jin only to find out that he wasn't focused at all. What the fuck?? Before I could slap it out of him a heard a small noise. Wait... it kinda sounded like- no it couldn't be, right? "Fuck, Namjoon-ah", I heard Jin say again. That was the final straw. I got up off of him and prepared myself to beat this man up.

"wH-", Jin fell on his back. I looked at him menacingly. "What the fuck did you just say, you little bitch?", I questioned furiously. Jin went red immediately and avoided eye contact. "Well, this is what you get for not paying me any attention." I then proceeded to stomp on his future kids. The shriek he let out was deafening, so I left the room. Whilst walking out I met the gaze of a concerned Namjoon. "What happened?", he asked. I simply scowled at him and walked to the other side of the room. A few minutes later, Jin walked out of the room as well (looking like shit). I watched Namjoon sprint over to him and bombard him with questions. I didn't bother to listen, it didn't interest me. After Jin spilled his guts, Namjoon looked at me sadly. "Y/N, why would you do tha-", I interrupted him. "I was bored." He watched me incredulously. "W-Well, I was actually planning to go to the Bahamas with Jin for a few months or so", he started, "I won't be in the apartment during that time. I might not even go back to the apartment, since we already discussed moving in together, so you can find yourself a new roommate." My eyes widened. Were they still together? I thought Namjoon said it was a one time thing! Why didn't he tell me? All these thoughts rushed through my head like a whirlwind. The only thing I managed to say back to him was: "Ok, have fun I guess." And like that, they were gone.

" And like that, they were gone

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Jin and Namjoon in the Bahamas

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