Chapter 2: Meeting The Neighbors

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My mom and I ate the disgusting lunch, before we dressed up a little for meeting the neighbors. In front of the new neighbors door, my mom told me ,, Please be nice ok? And when they have a daughter, promise me you won't poison her.'' I rolled my eyes knocked at the door to avoid talking to my mom. *knock knock* The door opened and I stopped breathing. Wow.... a freaking handsome young dude stood there and smiled a biiiig bunny smile. He was wearing some big ass timberlands and an oversized white shirt. I could see his nippels. Was there a speck of seagull shit in his hair? Damn, even with feces on his head he looked good. Before I could introduce myself, my mom (the fucking cunt) did it for me. "Hello young sir, we are your neighbors! This is my daughter, Y/N." I was about to fucking kill her. My entire plan to impress him with my vocabulary was ruined by this shit smelling child licking ass whore.

"Uhh, you ok?", the human personification of a rabbit said. Does that make me a furry? I don't like animals like that... but for him? I could- "What? Of course I'm ok! Why'd you ask?", I wondered out loud. He just stared at me dumbfounded with those big bunny rabbit eyes. Fuuck I could look into those for the rest of my life. "Well, I asked because you haven't said anything for five whole minutes''. I started to think you had a mental disorder or something", he remarked. I tried to be offended, but he wasn't wrong. I do have a mental illness! Namely: Stinky Bitch Disorder. It doesn't affect my concentration, but I could just say it does. That's probably the reason why i'm such a bitch. "Well thanks I guess, did you ask me anything during that time?", I asked curiously. He shook his head. "No, I was talking to your mom instead." I felt rage instantly flow through my body. That bedwetter was trying to steal my man! Instantly I turned to her with anger visible in my eyes. "Mother, you can go... uh... clean the cat shit in the toilet! Yeah! You go do that, I'll be fine alone." My mom looked at me sadly, like I just told her to do something unforgivable. I mean, sure, we don't have a cat, but she still needs to get the fuck out of my personal space.

''Leaving so soon?'', said the bunny's mother creeping up from behind my mother and I.

''YeS! We prepared some dinner for you so we would appreciate your stay'', said the father.

''Fuck me'', i was thinking while trying to keep up a smile. We all sat down at the dinner table and started eating.. Wow some actual good fucking food for once what a surprise.

We had some canned cheerios which tasted delicious. They probably contained more chemicals than the bleach that my whore of a mother uses to clean the floor. ''These penne spaghettis with your homemade sauce are delicious!'', said my mother with a disgusting smile on her face. It was actually good food but it wasn't good enough for my league. To not suffer while sitting there awkwardly, i chugged down some red wine. I saw that the timberlands man got up and left the dinner table. I wanted to follow him but he'd probably think that im a weirdo. Wait, HE ALREADY THINKS THAT. So i didn't hesitate and excused myself from the table. ''uHm, where exactly is the bathroom?'', i said. The mother told me to go upstairs and to the left to reach the bathroom. Of course i had other plans. Upstairs, i walked past the bathroom door and followed straight ahead. I saw a door that had a beautiful anime poster on it. you know.. that kind of stuff. i knocked and walked straight into the guys room.

"Yo... your weenie is kinda small wtf", I confessed whilst staring at timberlands boys peepee. Since I gave him no time to react to the knock, he couldn't possibly hide his mini banana, which was my plan all along. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE", he screamed. "Lookin at yo itty bitty ding dong", I replied. Suddenly I was shoved out of the room and a door was slammed in my face. "Heyy that doesn't mean I don't like it!! It's just the size of my deformed thumb!", I reassured him confidently. Either way, the door didn't open, so I left the house without saying a word to my feral, rabies having mother. 

A few days had gone by since the "incident" but so far nobody has said anything. Either Timberlands boy had some common sense and didn't post those pictures everywhere, or our school is made up of a bunch of prudes. I held that thought as I saw my best friend running towards me. I was heading to the city with my toilet cleaner- I mean mom but as soon as I saw him I stopped in my tracks. "Namjoon! Good to see you!", I smiled. He looked at me with a weird expression. "Y/N, why the FUCK is there a video of you getting changed on an explicit website??", he asked frantically. Then I knew that Timberlands boy really DIDN'T have any common sense (he's now dead to me). "Namjoon, as much as I love you and your anime tiddies, why the FUCK were you on an explicit website?" He blushed. "Uh well I-", before he could finish that sentence, my mother intervened. "Oh back in my day I used to do the same... " I looked at her with a disgusted expression on my my face. "MOM shut the fuck up you're such a whore." But then I had a revelation. Namjoon saw my tiddies. "Hey Joon, are my tiddies bigger than yours?", I wondered out loud. He shrugged. "I dunno, wanna check?", he winked back at me. I nodded enthusiastically and we left my mom standing alone on the street. I hope she gets run over by an ice-cream truck.

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