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In which [Name] = brain empty.


TODOROKI CRINGED AS HE PRESSED A BANDAGE ONTO [NAME]'S [S/C] COLORED NECK. Her wounds were now cleaned up and dressed, and the two teenagers were sitting in the bustling city center, away from dark alleyways and villain attacks.

"Does it hurt?" Todoroki asked, after he placed an extra thiqq Garfield bandage (that he had acquired from the nearest pharmacy) onto the wound.

"Well, you basically fingered my neck with an icicle 😔," [Name] sighed. "But yeah, I'm fine. Except my clothes stank."

It was true, [Name]'s clothes did, in fact, "stank." Precisely of a mixture including her blood and Dabi's disgusting 'Axe overload' cologne.

"Well, while we walk around the city we can find a sto-"

"[Name], Todoroki! How convenient to see you guys here! What a coincidence!"

Both teens turned around to see Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, and Bakugo standing behind them.

Yeah, sure it was a 'coincidence.' Todoroki thought bitterly. I know they're all just jealous that it's my turn with the mega magical coochie- I mean [Name].

"POCCHARI, WHAT THE FUCK? IS THAT BLOOD?" Bakugo blew up, causing bystanders to turn their heads. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM?!"

"Uh... It's that time of the month."

"Damn, what size 🅱️ussy you wear?" Kaminari snorted, before he was pimp slapped by Kirishima.

Suddenly, [Name] widened her eyes with excitement as she saw a head of fluffy, purple hair milling behind the crowd of 1-a students.

"SHINsOU?!" [Name] screeched, pushing everyone aside to get to him. "HOW ARE YOU HERE RIGHT NOW?!"

"For plot enhancement."


"Just kidding. The general studies course had their hero exams near you guys. I took a train to get back home since I didn't feel like taking the bus with all the plebes in my class. Unfortunately, I took the wrong train, and here I am."

"I haven't seen you in ages!" [Name] smiled, hugging the purple haired boy, to which he cringed as blood got all over his favorite shirt, which displayed two minions kissing with the word "bananae" above in fancy calligraphy.

It was true. While [Name] and Shinsou had kept in touch by sending each other memes at 2am or ranting about stupid classmates every couple of days, the two had never found an actual chance to meet since both classes were always busy, and the villains had snatched [Name] and Bakugo from the training camp.

"That's true, I haven't seen you in a while, thottie. You basically abandoned me and my cats. You better pay up." The boy said, his hand outstretched expectantly.

"Lord forgive me but I spent all the child support money on apple juice 😂," [Name] replied.

"Damn, then you better start selling some feet pics because I'm starting to feel like Tom motherfucking Nook with the amount of debt you're in rn," Shinsou huffed.

"Damn, so you're a dilf?" [Name] snorted.

"I'm your dilf, babe." Shinsou winked.

"Sir, this is a Mcdonalds Drive thru, what can I getchu?" [Name] blushed.

"Can I get uhhhhhh one will to live?" Kaminari cried quietly in the corner, as his attention whore needs weren't being fulfilled by the [h/c] haired girl.

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