Thank You

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Y/N's P.o.v-

I sighed as I got off the phone with my aunt. She wanted me to watch her five year old son tonight. Trust me, I love him and her. She helped raise me as a child and I was so excited when she finally got pregnant. But he was a lot to handle. He has Austism and I've watched him before, many times but not since I moved in with Jack. He's never met Jack before. He was bound to ignore Jack or even be scared in front of him. I was scared just thinking about it.

"Jack?" I called out. I got a grunt from the bedroom in response. Jack just got home from tour last night and he hasn't been out of bed since. I smiled as I walked into the room and he was laying in bed. His eyes were still closed and his hair was flying everywhere.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I laughed running my hand through his thick hair. He smiled sleepily and hummed as I started scratching his scalp.

"What'd you need?" He asked finally opening his eyes. He looked adorable. His eyes were lidded and sleep filled, his cheeks were flushed, and his hair was flying everywhere. It finally hit me that I was going to wake up every morning next to this man. The day after I moved in he went on a long three month tour. This was the first morning I slept next to him and woke up with him here.

"Ugh my aunt asked if we could watch my cousin Noah tonight. And I wanted to ask if we had anything to do?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment before shaking his head no. He whimpered as I stopped sractching his scalp. He frowned up at me making me giggle.

"I'm gonna get a shower before he comes over." He mumbled streching. A loud groan escaped his lips. He walked slowly into the bathroom and I couldn't help but smile. I was really in love with that man. I rushed into the living room and told my aunt that was fine.

"Since he is spending the night I'll make sure you have everything he needs. Please if you need anything let me know." She sighed before hanging up. I went into the spare bedroom and unpacked the box of his things. I jumped as I heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" I shouted rushing down the stairs. I smiled as I opened the door and my aunt was standing in front of me with Noah on her hip.

"I'm so sorry to rush off like this. But here are his things and here he is. Please call me if anything happens. I love you." She smiled before kissing my cheek and Noah's. Noah watched as she drove off.

"You wanna go play with your toys?" I smiled down at him. He took his thumb out of his mouth and nodded. I smiled and led him into the livingroom. He sat down and picked up his toys automaticlly. I smiled and turned on Bob The Builder for him as well. As soon as he heard the theme song he ran onto my lap and looked at the TV mesmerized. I smiled and handed him his cup that was next to me.

"Oh ugh hi." Jack smiled walking downstairs. His hair was still wet and he was only in sweatpants. Noah ignored him and stared at the screen mesmerized. I frowned and moved his hair out of his eyes.

"I'll be right back." I smiled to Noah as I sat him down on the floor. Jack frowned at me as we walked into the kitchen. Jack sat down on the counter and frowned at me.

"He has Austism. He doesn't speak a lot as well." I finally told him as I sat in between his legs. A look of realisation took over his features.

"Would you mind just watching him while I make something to eat?" I asked giving him my best puppy dog look. He nodded and kissed me before walking into the livingroom. I made food as quick as I could and put the Macaroni and Cheese in three bowls.

"Here yo-" I stopped at the door. Jack was sitting on the couch and Noah was actually sitting on his lap. Noah was cuddled into his side and watching Bob The Builder while holding onto his blanket and cup. I looked at Jack with wide eyes.

"I sat down and he crawled onto my lap." Jack shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. To me, this was a very big deal. Noah only went to my aunt, my uncle, and myself. He never went to other people all that often.

"Here you go." I smiled handing Jack his bowl. I tried to get Noah off his lap but he wouldn't move. I sighed and fed Noah then ate myself. Noah barely left Jack's lap all night. It was actually quite cute to watch them. My heart fluttered eveytime Jack would look down at Noah and smile.

"I have to give Noah a bath and I know he's not going to get off your lap." I sighed running my hand through Noah's hair.

"I'll give him a bath. Go make dinner." Jack smiled picking Noah up. I nodded and walked into the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I heard Jack talking to Noah. Noah giggled and my stomach filled with butterflies. I smiled as Jack came out and he was soaked from head to toe. Noah was clean at least and in pajama's.

"We kinda got into a splashing war." Jack blushed. I laughed and shook my head. I smiled to myself as I made dinner and fed Noah. Noah finally fell asleep on the couch so I could finally eat with Jack.


"Jack you look like your about to pass out. Let's go to bed already." I laughed at Jack. His head was on my chest and Noah was asleep on our laps. Jack wiped the sleep from his eyes and nodded. I smiled and picked up Noah.

"Where is he going to sleep? We can't leave him in a room alone." I asked Jack. Jack shrugged his shoulders and fell into bed. I rolled my eyes at him and layed the sleeping boy in my arms on the bed. I changed my shorts and tank top quickly and got into bed. I smiled as Jack smiled sleepily at me and Noah was curled into his side. I covered myself up and then them as well.

"Thank you for helping me." I smiled kissing the top of Jack's head. He hummed and nodded.

"I love you." He smiled at me. I stared at him in shock. That was the first time he actually told me he loved me. He looked at me in shock as well.

"Shit. I'm sorry if that was the wr-" I didn't let Jack finish talking. I kissed him roughly. He smiled as I pulled back and layed down and stared at him for a moment.

"I love you too."

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