4. First Date

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"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could." Mara said as Evie put blush on her cheeks.

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes." Evie said.

"Mal and I's mom was never really big on makeup tips. And Mal isn't really big on makeup either. So I never had a sister to help me with makeup." Mara said as Evie put lipgloss on her lips.

"Well, now you do. We're gonna need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she dosen't get her way. Just ask Snow White." Evie said.

"Are you afraid of her?" Mara asked.

"Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?" Evie asked.

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She get's so angry with me when I disappoint her. And... Yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me in her own way." Mara said.

Evie held Mara's hand.

"Moving on. Come see." Evie said as she pulled Mara towards the mirror.

"Are we done?" Mara asked.



"I know."

"I look-"

"Say it." Evie smiled.

"Not hideous." Mara finished.

"Not even close." Evie smiled before Mara answered the door.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful. I hope you like bikes." Ben said as he held a helmet out for Mara.


"Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone." Ben said as he and Mara walked across a bridge.

"Um... My middle name is Beatrice." Mara said before Ben chuckled.


"Yeah. Just my mom doing what she does best. Being really, really evil. Mara Beatrice." Mara chuckled.

"Mine's Florian." Ben said before Mara chuckled.



"How princely. Oh, that's almost worse." Mara laughed.

"I mean, you know, it's better than Beatrice." Ben said before they both laughed.

"But it's still not."


"Watch your foot. Yeah. Are you good?" Ben asked as he helped her down.

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