Hey guys before i get started i just want to say that this has bad language and spelling mistakes and maybe some lemon idk yet but let me know if you would like some lemons anyways I'll get to the basics.

(F/F) - favourite food
(F/D) - favorite drink
(N/N) - Nickname
(N/N/I/P) - Nickname i prefer aka wolfie

(F/F) - Favourite fruit

BTW-By The Way
WTF- W hat the fuck
WTH-What the hell
IDK- i don't know
ALL G - all goods
NM- Nevermind
NMU- Nothing much you
K- okay/ok
HBU- How about you
U - you
I ❤ u - I love you
Tho - though
Be- because
HRU- how are you
Ur- your

BTW u are a werewolf human and u can talk to pokémon you have run away from your father and your mother left you there back she even hated you and u have been abused for all your life and this is whst you look like .

BTW u are a werewolf human and u can talk to pokémon you have run away from your father and your mother left you there back she even hated you and u have been abused for all your life and this is whst you look like

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