Chapter 17: Arcade

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"Y/n and I are dating" Jennie told them

Oh yeah. Jennie and I are datin-

Wait what?!

This information is a lot to take

Shit we're official in both of our parents

"Jinja?" Mom gasped and smiled
"Omg. I didn't know" Mrs. Kim holds a hand on her mouth
"Good thing for the both of you" Mr. Kim added
"You guys look good together" Dad commented
"A-Aren't we appa?" I asked finding words for me to take this shocking moment
"Of course, we are" Jennie leaned on my shoulder and acted all giggly
"Aw you guys are cute" Mrs. Kim took out her phone and took a picture of us
"Eomma, you always took pictures" Jennie pouted making her mom laugh

Just then the dessert was served on the table

"Oh dig in" Mr. Kim smiled as he gestured for us to eat
"Thank you for the food" I said and turned my head to Jennie
"You didn't tell me about this" I whispered
"There's no reason to tell you anyway. We're official in YG, right? I told my manager about you that time" Jennie whispered back
"At least you should've told me" I whispered putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth
"You liked it anyway isn't it?" Jennie smirked
"W-What?- N-No" I denied
"I kinda doubt that" Jennie replied


9:08 PM Friday

I changed back my clothes after dinner. Mom and Dad just went home but they asked me to stay here for 10 minutes more before leaving with Jennie and I don't know why. Just then I felt my phone ring

1 Message from Jendukie❤️

I'm leaving my room. You better be waiting in the car now

Yeah sure I'm on my way

I stepped out of the guest room and started walking to Jennie's Parking area. When I was getting near the car I saw a familiar girl running from the gate. She stopped for a second and looked at something

Wait shit it's-

(a/n: just imagine it's night time)

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(a/n: just imagine it's night time)

"Yah! Kim Sejeong!" I called making her look at me

Her eyes brightened and ran to me. She dropped her bags. She jumped and gave me a tight hug

"Why the hell are you that tall?" Sejeong looked at me and tip-toed to smack my head
"Ouch! That hurts" I complained rubbing the spot she just hit
"I told you to call me Noona!" Sejeong reminded
"I don't call you that way because you always smack me in the head" I said and chuckled
"Yah! I'm not that violent. I just came from the airport, late for your marriage thingy dinner?" Sejeong turned her head into the big mansion
"What the fuck Y/n! You're marrying a rich brat?" Sejeong was amazed at how the mansion looked
"Yes. And she is kinda popular too" I smiled thinking of marrying Jennie
"Jinja?! How are you doing this with your ugly face?" Sejeong looked at me again and made a cringed reaction
"Excuse me. You're uglier than me Noona" I said covering her whole face
"Y/n where the fuck are you-" Jennie arrived and looked at us
"Uhm. Jennie this is Sejeong, Sejeong this is Jennie" I introduced
"Annyeonghaseyo" Jennie bowed
"Annyeong" Sejeong did the same
"Oh my God. You're from Blackpink right?" Sejeong asked
"Yes" Jennie replied
"Wait- You're Kim Sejeong? An idol before who is now a famous actress?" Jennie asked shocked at what she was seeing
"Yeah. That's me" Sejeong smiled
"Y/n can you talk to me for a second" Sejeong pushed me away and followed
"You're marrying her?!" Sejeong asked
"Yes?" I replied
"What's with the tone?" She noticed my unsure answer
"Yes" I replied trying to correct my tone
"Wait don't tell me-" Sejeong thought for a moment
"It's arranged?" Sejeong asked

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