chapter 2- first impressions

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hey! so this is my first actual chapter! i'm pretending that they are actual high school students they are both 17. anyways hope you enjoy! In this particular story i am writing olivia does have a mom and dad. because it's Olivias pov and not nini.


Olivia's POV
It is 5:30 in the morning and my alarm is going off. i already knew by how early it is that it was not going to be a good day for me.
"Liv! Get up for school!" yelled her mom from downstairs.
Olivias dad came into her room and shut the door.
"hey sweetie." whispered her dad
i whispered, "good morning, what's up?"
Her dad walked over to her bed and sat at the end of her bed.
"we need to talk for a few minutes. do you have time?" asked her father.
"of course dad!" i whisper yelled.
I sat up in my bed and listened to my dad talk.
"there is a boy your age who moved in a few houses down with his parents and he doesn't really know how to get to school or get around the school. so i was wondering if you would like to maybe drive him and show him around school. if not it's alright i can find someone else to do it." he asked.
"oh uh sure!" i exclaimed.
My dad is a teacher at East High. I'm not sure why he can't show our new neighbour around the school, but i mean how bad can this be.

Joshua's POV
I have been up all night. i can't sleep. it is impossible to knowing my first day at East High where HSM was shot is today! it is so bitter sweet to me.
"Josh! are you up?" yelled his sister.
i yelled back, "yes! why do you care?!"
Claire came into my room and told me our neighbors daughter is my age and will be showing me around the school.
"WHAT?!" i screamed!
"josh please calm down it isn't that bad. and hey i have heard that she's really pretty too! your in luck." his sister said calmly.
"i swear if my first day is bad because of this i'm not going back." i told her sternly.
She rolled her eyes and walked out of my room and slamming my door shut. the voice in my head was telling me today will go great! I got ready for the day by getting dressed, brushing my teeth, packing my school bag, and putting on my converse. i didn't eat breakfast because i had some night snacks that weren't a healthy choice.

once i got out of bed, i looked in my vanity mirror and saw mascara running down my face. i forgot to take off my makeup! i ran to my bathroom and got my makeup wipes and took off my makeup.
"no no no no!" i exclaimed.
my day was even more ruined if that is even possible. i got ready for the first day of school by doing natural makeup, wearing a casual outfit, because i don't wanna show off to much, and i put on my white doc martens. i went downstairs and grabbed my bag and ran out the door. it was 7:30 and school starts at 9:00. i had some time. but i needed to pick up Joshua.
"omg where are my keys?" i asked out loud.
i looked on the cement and there they were. i picked them up and got in. Josh lived a few houses down so didn't take me long to get there. once i got there i waited a few minutes before going up and knocking on his door. i was nervous.

Josh's POV
i heard a knock at the door. i didn't know who needed something this early in the morning, but i went to open the door anyways.
"oh hello!" said a very pretty young girl.
i asked, "hello. are you here for someone?"
she looked at me confused. i then raised my eyebrows at her signaling for her to continue.
"oh i-, yea, um is Joshua here?" she asked nervously.
why was she looking for me? i asked myself
"yup that would be me." i said back.
she looked very shocked it was me. she turned her head slightly to the right and it made me blush a little. she was so cute already.

i was so confused on why he was so tall for a junior. i was very short for my age and i felt like anyone who was taller had so much more control over me. he then raised his hand because i was looking out into space. i then flinched, fell back on my butt and  covered my face with my small hands.
"hey, hey are you okay?" he asked concerned.
i peaked up and saw him trying to give me a hand to stand back up.
"i- i'm sorry for falling." i said very embarrassed.
"why are you sorry? you shouldn't be sorry." he told me in a comforting way.
"i was in an abusive relationship in Sophomore year and i just get scared when people raise their hand at me so i panic and just fall apart." i said starting to tear up.
he then walked over to me and grabbed my hands what felt like forever but was probably only one minute.
"wh-what are you doing?" i asked
"i want to let you know that i will now always be here for you. so you don't worry about anything." he said trying to comfort me.
i looked into his brown eyes and he did the same back, right then and there i fell for him. i broke the eye contact by looking at my car.
"need a ride?" i asked.
"sure!" he said as we left his house.
when we got to East High i showed him around all the places in hsm like the gym, library, auditorium, theater room, and even the roof top. i only got permission because my dad was a teacher here.

omg! if you made it through give yourself a round of applause!! i will update again tomorrow if i can! if not i will do two short chapters on Friday. i hope you enjoyed. add to your library so you can see what comes next! what do you think will happen? leave your theory about what you think will happen! i want to know! it also gives me some ideas. if you have any suggestions leave a comment on this chapter and tell me what you think. wow 1.1K words! i'm proud haha! stay safe and healthy love you all! in my next chapter i will reveal my first name!

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