Chapter 2

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At Joe's house

"So. Are you gonna answer our questions now?" Rachel asked. Everyone looked at Barry expectantly.

"Yes." he said, "Alright. So I changed my name when I moved to Ohio to live with my uncle-"

"Why did you go live with your uncle?" Finn asked.

Barry glared at the interrupter, "- I moved to Ohio because I was bullied to the point of broken bones and death threats."

"You, Sebastian Smythe, were bullied?" Quinn asked, skeptical.

"Yes, I was. I am a nerd who's- never mind. I was bullied to the extremes, that's all that matters." Barry said. Lot's of them looked at him weird, catching his slip. Kurt and Blaine just looked at him with sympathy. Barry continued, "I changed my name so I could have a fresh start. And my behavior- which I'm sorry about by the way- was a defense mechanism."

"I thought you would end up being a lawyer," Mercedes commented, "Not a scientist."

"Like I said," Barry said, "I'm a nerd. I've always loved science and I got an internship at the CCPD as a forensic scientist assistant. Which was kind of what I always wanted."

 Then Artie asked the question Barry had been dreading, "What happened to your parents?"

Barry froze momentarily, before stumbling over some words, "Well, um, so..." Blaine put his hand on his arm in a comforting gesture. Kurt smiled in a supportive way. He cleared his throat and looked down, "When I was 11, my mom was murdered."

Everyone gasped. "Oh Barry," Santana said.

Rachel recalled articles she read a while ago and connected some dots, "Wait. You're Barry Allen. Oh. You were the Barry Allen in the article." Barry's head snapped up. "I'm sorry Barry. It must've been hard. Watching your dad..."

She didn't finish because Barry got angry, "He didn't do it!" Everyone was taken back. Thad's eyes widened, he knew Barry the longest, and he had never seen that much pure anger in his eyes. Barry took a breath, "The cops all thought my dad killed my mom. He didn't. I was there. It was something, someone  else. And I have new evidence supporting it, so I've been working to get my dad free."

Everyone looked at Barry in a new light. He wasn't the jerk they knew, or thought they knew, in high school. Barry's phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Joe. "I've got to take this."

"Hey Joe."

"Barry. I'm at a crime scene. Fresh murder. But I'm missing something, you know what?"

Barry ran his hand through his hair, "Sorry Joe. I'm on my way." He hung up, "Sorry guys. I've got to go. There's a case."

He left and Everyone followed him out. The New Directions went to Jitters with the Warblers, while Barry went to his case. Thad and Santana went with Barry though.

"Why are you guys following me?" Barry  asked.

"We're making sure we get you back when you're done," Thad said. 

"Right. Okay," Barry said, figuring he didn't have much of a choice. 

They arrived at the crime scene, a small house in a quiet neighborhood, later than  Barry wanted, since he couldn't use his super speed to get there. Barry ducked under the construction tape stuff (A/N I don't know if it's called that. Oh well.) and met up with Joe.

"Sorry Joe. I had tails," Barry said, gesturing to Thad and Santana.

"We can talk about that later Barry. Right now, you need to do your nerd stuff and figure out what happened."

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