Chapter 9

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The next day, Barry stayed in Starling till about 10:30 before he said goodbye to Felicity and raced back to Central. He grabbed a quick cup of coffee in Jitters and ran to STAR labs. 

"Hi Cait," Barry said, running into the cortex.

Caitlin jumped, "Barry! Hi!" He laughed at her surprise.

Cisco walked in, "Hey man!"

"Hey Cisco," Barry said.

"Oh!" Caitlin yelled, "I almost forgot to tell you. Blaine and Kurt came by yesterday looking for you. They said they needed to talk to you."

"Alright," Barry said, "I'll head out then-" Barry's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Barry, there's a meta-human attack. We're at the mall and there's hostages." Joe' voice said.

"On my way," Barry said. He hung up and turned to his team, "Meta at the mall. Gotta go." Then he super sped into his suit and out of the building.

Barry arrived at the mall, racing past the police perimeter. He paused behind a pillar and peeked around to survey his situation. He quietly cursed. The meta- a big burly man with a mustache- had taken a large group of hostages. And of course the hostages were the New Directions and Warblers. 

Barry pursed his lips and raced into the open. The man turned around, "Ah, just the man I wanted to see."

Barry sighed, "Let them go."

"No." he said. "So Flash, what are you going to do? It's your move."

Barry clenched his teeth. He looked at his friends. They all had mixed expressions, some of fear, some of awe, and some of worry. When his eyes landed on Blaine and Kurt, they looked at him with immense concern. He could practically here Blaine thinking 'don't do anything stupid Barry'. And Kurt mouthed 'Fire'. Barry frowned more, what did fire have to do with anything?

"I'm tired of waiting," the man said. Then he shot flames from his hands directed at Barry.

Barry dodged. 'Oh' he thought 'fire'. Then he proceeded to run around the pyrokinetic. The heat seared at Barry's skin and he gritted his teeth. Things were going up in flames all around him, the flames creeping closer to the glee clubs. 

Barry tackled him from behind.

"Yes Flash!" Nick shouted.

Now that the meta wasn't using his power, Barry managed to speed punch him. But the very big, burly man was also able to land a punch, and it was a hard one. Barry was knocked to the ground. 

Blaine gasped and gripped Kurt's hand. He squeezed it back. The meta blasted fire at Barry and it hit his leg, causing immense pain for him. Barry bit his tongue. He sped upright, but slower with his leg now hurt. 

"Barry are you okay?" Caitlin shouted.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Barry said into his com, "Cisco, how do I stop this guy?"

"Do what you do with building fires. Use your arms to make a vacuum, suck all the oxygen out." Cisco said.

"Right. But he just keeps shooting more flames. How do I stop him from doing that?" The man roared and shot more fire at him, and Barry dodged. "Cisco!"

"I'm thinking!" he yelled, "What if you contain his flames. Create a vortex around him as soon as you extinguish the other fires."

Barry put out the flames and started running around the meta. The hostages watched anxiously. The vortex contained the flames, and Barry managed to knock him unconscious. He raced him to the pipeline. 

"Good job Barry," Cisco said. 

"How's your leg?" Caitlin questioned.

"It's fine." Barry sorta lied. In honesty, it did hurt, it burned like hell, but he knew it would heal.

His phone rang. It was Santana. "Hello San."

"OhmygodBarryyou'llneverguesswhathappenedtherewasamanwithfireandthentheFlashwas thereandIswearewouldv'ediedbutheFlashstoppedthelunaticandranawaywithhim!"

Barry chuckled quietly. He knew what she was saying, but none the less he said, "Geez. Slow down San. I can hardly make out what you're saying."

"I said, all of us in glee were taken hostage at the mall by this fire raging lunatic and the Flash showed up and saved us and it was epic!"

Barry feigned concern, "Hostages?"

"Don't worry. Everyone's fine. Hey you still have to talk to me and Thad. And don't think you're not in trouble for hanging up on me the way you did."

"Of course," Barry sighed. "Why don't you guys meet me at STAR labs."

"Why there?"

"Just get there," he said.

"Alright, we're on our way."

"Alright. Don't bring anyone but you and Thad. Got it?"

"I got it. I got it. See ya Twink."

"See ya San."


A/N- Hi guys! Sorry that this chapter was so late. I had a really hard time figuring out what to do for this chapter. But here it is! Hopefully I'll get more than just one chapter posted tomorrow. See y'all! :)

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