Chapter 10

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Barry walked outside of STAR labs to meet up with Santana and Thad. After seven minutes, they finally showed up. The two people practically sprinted to Barry. Santana smacked him in the face then hugged him. 

"That was for hanging up on me yesterday. And this is for making you upset." she said.

Barry smiled and hugged her back.

Thad joined the hug, "Yeah. What Rachel said was a total lie, we would never do that to you."

"It's alright guys," Barry said, breaking the hug, "I get it."

Santana smiled, then with a serious face said, "Great! Now you owe us an explanation. Where did you run off to yesterday?"

Barry chuckled at her choice of words. "Well I went to my friend Felicity, since she always knows how to cheer me up."

"Who is this Felicity?" Thad asked, "Where does she live?"

Barry raised his eyebrows, "She lives in Starling City."

"You went all the way to Starling City!" Santana screeched.

Barry flinched, "Yes. I didn't really know I went there till I stopped running though."

"Stopped running?" Thad asked. "Wait. You freaking RAN to Starling City?"

Realizing what he said Barry's eyes widened, "Did I say ran?" He chuckled nervously.

"Yes. You did. Now spill." Santana demanded.

Barry sighed, "Whatever. I was planning on telling you anyway."

"Telling us what?" Thad asked.

"Well, you know how I was in a coma after being struck by lightning?"

"How could we forget," Thad deadpanned,

"Well... the lightning... sortagavemesuperspeed." Barry said quickly. He wasn't used to just telling people his secret, most of them just found out. Not that many people knew.

"Say again?" Santana said.

Barry huffed, "It'll be easier if I just show you."

"Show us what?" Thad asked slowly.

Barry looked around, "Thad give me your phone." Thad handed it to him slowly. "See the roof of STAR labs? Keep your eyes up there." They nodded.

Barry ran up to the top of the building, took a picture, and ran back down in hardly a second. He handed the phone to a wide eyed Thad and Santana. It was a picture of the two of them from the top of STAR labs.

"B... How... What..." Thad was at a loss for words. 

Santana stared at him, "You're fast." Barry laughed. Santana's eyes grew wider if that was possible, "Oh. My. God. You're the Flash!"

"Yup," Barry smiled.

"That means with that lunatic this morning at the mall... that was you! You fought him! Oh my god! You got hurt! Are you okay?" Santana panicked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Barry shrugged, "I heal fast. Which is a result of my speed. I have fast metabolism which means I have to eat a ton- and I mean a ton- of food. Otherwise I'll pass out from hypoglycemia. I also can't get drunk. Which really sucks sometimes."

Thad finally recovered from his shock, "Oh so that's why you were so sober when we went to the bar. I mean, you probably drank as much as me, but you weren't drunk at all. Oh and that explains how you ate all that food at Big Belly Burger."

"Yeah. Why don't we go inside." Barry suggested.

"Okay," Santana said.

Before they knew what was happening, Barry flashed them inside.

Long Time No See -Flash x GleeWhere stories live. Discover now