The beginning of the end

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"Aren't you going to ask why you're in the deer's body?" Law asked as they walked down one of the long corridors of the building, his footsteps the only sound. Zoro, currently in Chopper's body, was still hanging into Law's shoulders.

"Ah! I totally forgot!" Zoro said, surprised. She looked at one of her hooves and waggled it.

"...Well anyway, I'm assuming your crewmates are going to head for the opposite exit. Let's meet them there and talk." Law said. Zoro reached over and poked Law's cheek with her hoof.

"Whoa, I can't feel anything through this..."

"Stop that."

"It's like my hand is a rock..."

"Stop touching me."

"You could really punch someone with one of these."

"Don't even—ugh!" Law grunted as Zoro punched him lightly with the hoof. Well, Zoro thought it was lightly. Law rubbed his jaw and glared over at her. She stared back, wide-eyed. Law sighed.

"It's difficult to be angry when you have that deer's face..."

"He sure is cute, huh?" Zoro then tried her best to look cute, grinning widely and squinting her eyes. The forced effect made Chopper's face look crazed.

"Don't do that."

"You know... you remind me a little of Sanji." Zoro observed.


"Our cook. The guy who kicks things."

"Black leg-ya? Is he the one you wanted to show off the last time we met?"

"Yeah! I almost forgot about that. You two both can be a bit of a buzz kill at times."


"But still, good people." Zoro then patted the top of his head with her hoof.

"Don't mistake me, Zoro-ya. I am only using you for my own benefit."

"Oh. Oh." Zoro started to reach for her stomach then realized she didn't have her haramaki around her waist like usual.


"You like me too." Zoro told him, nodding.


"I never thought this would happen. I mean, I know the guys from the island of manly men said it was a possibility..."

"I don't like you." Law had stopped walking and was staring at her, devoid of expression.

"This is so annoying... well, you'll have to wait until I find my notes again."

"What do you mean, notes?"


"I thought you were the directionally challenged one." Law broke the silence as they waited at the only other exit in the large industrial building. It was clearly marked with a large red exit sign. They had arrived quickly and were waiting for the other straw-hat members to come. But, it was taking a very long time.

Zoro had been occupying her time by testing out Chopper's body. She was very upset that no matter what she tried, Law was able to easily push her away whenever she tried to attack him.

"I know Chopper isn't this weak..." Zoro thought out loud, racking her brain trying to figure out how to bring out her true potential in that body.

"Wait, quiet, do you hear that?" Law asked, pushing away from the wall and peering down the long hallway. There was a scurrying sound and the sound of shouting coming quickly in their direction.

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