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The love I feel for you my dear will never subside.


I woke up the song still on repeat. The sound of her voice is comforting. The time is 3 am. The hospital is quiet despite employees working. My phone rang. A call. A number I don't know. I still answer the phone.

"Hello?....Shes in a coma...she uh tried to overdose...another song? Yeah yeah send me it...okay goodbye."

Juliets producer. She's sending me Juliets song that she is going to release today. My phone went off a message from her producer. I click on the song.

D-Did I do something? Did I hurt her? Did she do this b-because of me? A million thoughts raced through my head. "Juliet Reeves?" A different doctor called. Everyone was deeply asleep except me so I went up to her. "There are other people for her but I'm the only one awake." The doctor shakes her head understandingly.

"She's stable you can visit her but as we predicted she is in a coma and we have no idea when she will wake up. I would uh recommend communicating with her there have been reports that patients can hear while in a coma." "Okay what uh what room is she in?" "308 I would recommend moving up to the waiting room there." "Okay thank you." "It's my job sir." She walks away.

I go over to everyone and wake them up. "Juliets stable and we can visit her. She's on the third floor so we should move up to the waiting room there." "Okay." Everyone got up and moved to the third floor. We got there. "So what room?" Anthony asks obviously eager to see Juliet. "308." Anthony immediately starts looking for it. "Anthony wait she's-" Anthony stops in front of an open door. I look at the number 308. "She's a coma."

Anthony walked in and I walk in behind him. I'm taken back at the sight. She has UV's in her arms. Some color has come to her face. I go over to her and try holding her hand. Her body is cold. Limp but she's still alive. That's all that matters. She'll wake up eventually. "I can't believe I let this happen." "Nick it's not your fault. It's none of our faults."  "I should've known." "Nick how could you have known." "I should've paid more attention."

"Nick you have to stop blaming yourself. I'm gonna go get the girls. They should know." Anthony left. I just stayed there. So much I wanted to say. I go close the door not wanting anyone to listen in. I go over to Juliet and caress her face. I kiss her cheek and clear my throat. "I wish you had talked to me.

I love you and if you had left me I-" a tear drop fell from my eyes. I'm tired of crying. "Did you think I wouldn't care? I mean I love you and I just-I wish you had just told me how you felt." I stoped expecting a response even though I know she can't talk back. "You have to wake up baby for me." I say caressing her face.

I bolt awake or at least I think I'm awake. I look around and I don't see anything just darkness. I get up and walk around. Suddenly I appear in a hospital room. "What the hell?" I look around and see..Nick? "Babe what are we doing here-" "Did you think I wouldn't care? I mean I love you and I just- I wish you had just told me how you felt."

I look at him confused. Then I looked at the hospital bed. I froze. "You have to wake up for me baby." Nick caressed her-my face. I looked at my body. The heart monitor still beating. So I'm alive. Damn it. I go over to Nick. I kneel down to get a good look on his face. He's crying. I did that to him? I-I didn't want to hurt him. H-He's my first love I would never want to hurt him.

In all honesty I didn't think he would care a lot. "Nick I'm sorry." I say. I don't get a response. "Why are you sorry?" A voice said. A voice I haven't heard in years. "L-Leila?" I question my voice cracking a little. "Hey baby cousin!" "Leila!" I ran to her. I hugged her tightly. "I've missed you."I say in her shoulder. "It's nice to see you. Not in this state." We let go. Out of the hug. "So..a boy?" I giggle. "Yeah.." "Do you love him?" "Yes." "Does he love you?" "Yes." "Then why would you try and leave him?" "

"Because..h-he can't be with me forever and I just need all the pain to stop." "Did it stop?" A smile grew on my face. "It has." "Baby cousin you have a choice to make." I looked at her confused. "You have to choose to either wake up or leave." "Leave?" "Leave lover boy Anthony everyone." "How much time do I have to decide?" "As long as you want just say my name and tell me."

With that Leila walks away. I sit down in a chair observing Nick. Thinking. If I leave him. He'll never be the same. If I wake up I'll be forced to feel the same pain. Anthony will definitely make me get a therapist. Maybe it's not worth it. "Baby please wake up. I can't do this without you baby please." Then a group of people walked in. "Oh my god." "Juliet." Nessa,Addison, Charli.

Nessa started crying and left the room. Addison broke down and Bryce carried her out the room. Charli. Well Charli looked shocked. She just couldn't stop looking at him. "She uh she made this letter for you." Nick handed her the letter I wrote especially for her. I left the hospital room and went to the waiting room. I saw Nessa crying into Joshs arms. Addison crying in Bryces. I-I didn't know I would cause this much trouble I don't. I don't know what to do.

ya like jazz?
1041 words

insecure// a Nick Austin fanfic Where stories live. Discover now