The Newest and Hardest Chore

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They were right about it sucking. The week after they had been caught had been one of the worst weeks of their entire lives. The villains decided that since their offspring had decided to come together, they'd do the same in punishing them for doing so. All punishments and chores were combined for each kid. 

Forced nightmares, cleaning furs, beatings, hand washing dishes and scrubbing floors. Everything. 

When the news spread around the Isle that the top most powerful villains were punishing their own children, people became even easier to control. The Evil Queen now had servants doing her bidding, and more and more customers came to Jafar's store and payed extra just to avoid getting hurt and yelled at as well. Everyone else stayed far, far away from the four villains and their children, leaving them at the mercy of their parents without any back up at all. 

Despite all this, they still did not regret what they'd done. Getting together, forming a bond that they didn't even have with their parents- it was worth the punishment. At least they bore it together. 

Nothing is nearly as bad when you're not alone. 

At night they snuck out and reunited to talk and bandage each other's injuries- you know, typical teenager stuff. 

Their parents had noticed the bond and the meetings and tried to separate them, but it ended up working against their favor, as the kids had just refused to do anything their parents commanded unless they were allowed to be back with their friends again. 

This small act of rebellion strengthened their resolve to remain together no matter the punishment. 

They still obeyed their parents, but this time to a degree. As long as they were able to visit each other, they would do whatever their parents told them to do. Otherwise, they'd resist. Yell. Scream. Throw tantrums. Anything to make it so they could visit their newfound friends. 

Near the end of the second week of their punishments, the villains decided that they could no longer put up with this sort of behavior. They called the four children together and set up a meeting inside Cruella's Hell Hall. 

Maleficent stood at the front of the room, holding a large black cane that Carlos took great care to avoid, sitting as far away from it as possible. Evie sat next to him, with her mother behind her. Cruella was behind Carlos as well, and Evie glared at the woman as if warning her to back off from Carlos, which Carlos appreciated. Mal sat across from her mother, and Jay (with Jafar behind him as well) sat on her left. 

Maleficent began the thing with a loud pound of the cane against the ground. "Good afternoon, children. I suppose you are wondering why we've brought you together today."

Mal folded her arms across her chest and gave Jay a look that said, "Oh, yes, definitely," to which he smirked.

Jafar smacked the boy on the back of the head and he immediately sobered. Mal only got a seething glare from her mother, which Jay thought was totally unfair. 

Carlos sent him a pitying look from across the room, to which Jay scowled. He hated being pitied. 

"We've noticed that we cannot separate you all, and while normally we do not condone disobedience"- She glared at the four kids to warn them not to disobey them ever again- "we do not find it a bad thing to form an alliance with other evil-doers."

Carlos grinned at Evie and the others, hardly believing their luck. He could finally have a real family. 

"However,"- At this they all winced. A however was never good- "with an alliance comes more power, and with more power comes the opportunity to rebel. And we can't have any of that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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